Chapter 2- "pá...

Începe de la început

Everyone came rushing to his side. Kamil rushed, putting his father's head on his knees. "PA ! no-no-no-nononon" tears started forming in Kamil's eyes, hands shaking not knowing how to stop the bleeding. Maximo stared in shock holding you in his arms his mind went blank losing a mother and now losing his father his hands tighten around the unconscious girl body.

"y- y/n..," León voice said " está bien"

" si.. esta bien " Máximo responded, looking down at his arms and checking if you still had a pulse.

Kamil's head hangs, crying, grabbing his father's shoulder and hand, not wanting him to go anywhere. His grip tightened shakenly onto his father's torn clothes, eyes squinting shut, he prayed in desperation.

" Maximo cuida a tus hermanos *cough*.... mi muerte no es culpa de nadie" As he speaks, his breath gets shorter and slower. Maximo turned his head to the side and squeezed both his eyes shut biting his lip fighting back the tears "No fui el mejor padre pero," He coughed sounding worse and worse "quiero fingir que les di lo que pude," He stared up at the gloomy sky tears rolling like water fall from his face "Lo siento por el daño que les causare a no estar con ustedes *Cough* Kamil ....."

Kamil looked up, his eyes red and swollen. When he looked at his father, he melted even more, tears streaming like a river without a stop. His father's hand reached Kamil's cheek and cursed it gently and smiled with the last ounce of body strength he had "Los amo.." with that his arm fell to the crumbled-up ground. Maximo sobbed uncontrollably in a huddle of tears, along with Kamil, who hugged his father's body tight in his arms, shaking back in fourth, calling out "No me dejes! Por favor no.." The family cried on their side; losing a brother, losing a son; losing a father was indescribable.

Time skip

Mexico was under construction, not making a scene about what happened and only letting it know through the internet as 'Out of control quirk destroys El DF Mexico ' There was a lot of life's lost and some in treatment, your family did get an investigation having the same thing happen 200 years ago with el viejo. You are currently in a 1-week coma. Later on, you woke up on the floor covered in bandages and a wet towel placed on your forehead.

You finally opened your eyes. I scanned my surroundings trying to sit up, wincing in pain; my whole body was aching, soon, my aunt Cecilia walked inside dropping the tray she was holding.

"ya desperto!" She screamed towards the door that soon came running with high shaking Kamil and Maximo taking a seat right beside me and the room soon filled up with everyone. "cómo te sientes" Máximo said concerned, looking at each eye "bien.......pero que paso?" Everyone gave each other a look.

"no te acuerdas de nada?"

" no nomas que estaba con Alondra y vi a mi otra abuela... me enojé...pero eso es todo.." I rubbed my head trying to remember anything else but couldn't manage; the only feeling I remember was the anger I felt when I thought about the suffering, I caused my mom's family. Facing everyone in the room there was someone missing "y papá" I said, facing Maximo.

He smashed his lips together, looking up at Abuelito José; they both returned a nod at each other, and with that abuelito signaled everyone out of the room. Maximo, Kamil and I were in the room by their looks. It was something serious, 'did something happen to dad?' 'Why are they quiet?' The silence was in the air, no noise, no words, only thoughts I was starting to get worried.

Finally, Kamil spoke up "mira y/n lo que te vamos a decir, se tiene que tomar con calma porque no fue culpa de nadie" he, Maximo and everyone knew I was going to beat myself for what happened to dad especially because I already blamed myself for mom.

Feroz Amor (Bakugo x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum