
“Perfect.  I’m going to be Romeo.”  I grin again, but don’t say anything.  “You’re not very talkative, are you?”

“No.” I reply, hoping he gets the hint and leaves me alone.  I put one of my headphones in, turning on my music.

“What are you listening to?”

“Of Mice & Men.” I reply as the song changes to Second & Sebring.

“Oh, so you’re one of those girls, huh?”

“I guess so.” I reply, not wanting to talk to him but utterly confused by what he said. 

Finally, Mr. Lewis emerges from a door, and smiles at me.  “Thank you all for coming!” he announces as I pause the song.  “We want to see how different pairings work.”  He calls out two names, and people sitting on the left-hand side of the waiting area stand up and walk by his side. 

“So, do you miss America?” James asks.  “I can tell from the accent.”

“No, I like London.” I sigh, turning up my music as it changes to Unintended by Muse.

“I see.  Why haven’t I seen you at any parties?  Surely you’ve become friends with the show biz people, yeah?”

“I don’t really party.”  He continues asking me questions, only furthering my aggravation.

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

“Alright, Penelope McIntire and James Buckner?” Mr. Lewis calls once he reappears.  The group from before shake his hand and leave as we stand up.  Of course James has to be my partner.  I throw my phone into my bag and follow him out of the waiting area. 

We walk down a hallway, entering into a new room.  There are mirrors covering the walls, but three walls are covered by black curtains.  There are hot exposed lights hanging from the ceiling, and the group of people from before sitting in chairs at the opposite side of the room.

“Hello!” Mr. Johnson smiles at us.  Someone dressed in black hands us each a short script, and we quickly read through it as Mr. Johnson explains that it is the party scene.  “Whenever your ready.”

“If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.” James starts, taking my hand.  I look down at it, thinking about how Dan held it so delicately and protectively.

“Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this, for saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.”  I rub circles into his hand with my thumb, a smile creeping onto my lips so that I look like I am flirting with him when I actually want nothing more than to let go and never see him again.

“Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?”

“Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.”

“O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do.  They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.”  He snatches his hand away, pulling it up to my chin.  He forces my head up to meet his dark blue gaze. 

“Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.” I reply, knowing what is coming next.

“Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take.”  His lips crash into mine, his tongue already being shoved down my throat.  He grabs my hair, twisting it around his fingers as he explores the inside of my mouth more.  I know I can’t push him away or yell at him to stop, so instead I forcefully put my hand on his shoulder.  He smacks his hand onto my back, pulling me closer.  Finally, when I’ve had enough, I give him a light shove to separate us.  “Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged.” He smirks.  His smirk doesn’t even compare with Dan’s.  Dan’s is so natural and adorable, allowing me to understand what he means whenever he says anything.  With James, all I can see is lust and envy, wanting more from me but knowing I wouldn’t let him do that.

I bite my lips, uttering my next line quietly.  “Then have my lips the sin that they have took.”

He stares into my eyes again, that terrible half-smile creeping onto his face again as he replies, “Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!  Give me my sin again.”  Once again, he slobbers all over me, but this time I cut the kiss short and end the scene. 

“Thank you Mr. Buckner; Ms. McIntire.”  Mr. Johnson grins as we look over to them.  I see Mr. Lewis smiling widely at me, giving me a discreet thumbs up under his clip board.  We say goodbye to them, and leave the room.  I grab my coat and bag, throwing a piece of gum in my mouth in attempts of getting rid of James’ taste.

“It was lovely meeting you, Penelope.” He says, touching my shoulder lightly as he walks by.  I roll my eyes, choosing to ignore him as I plug in my headphones and walk back home.

Hey guys!  I am so sorry I didn’t have this up earlier!  I had it finished, but something important came up yesterday :/ However to make it up to you, I’ll have the next chapter up soon!  I’ve already finished it, so if you want that tonight please let me know!  Stay amazing guys <3

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