Just another lazy day

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Jasper rolled out of bed and kissed my forehead before walking off to get ready for work. A couple of minutes later I heard the door shut downstairs then a squeal followed by running footsteps and Bennett jumped into my bed. 

"Mumma, I pees, "He said shaking me I shot up fast and marched over to his room. Sure enough, he had peed the bed. I sighed and stripped his sheets quickly putting them in the wash and starting it before setting his mattress upright making sure it wasn't on the mattress. He was standing by the door playing with his hands. I looked through his dresser and got him a pair of pants and a shirt. 

" Come on, sweetie," I said tiredly he followed me towards the bathroom, I helped him get off his clothes and lifted him into the bath. I filled it with warm water and grabbed his body wash. The sound of crying filled the house and  I sighed. " Stay here don't lay down ok?

He nodded and I splashed my face with cold water before walking across the hall quickly I picked up Stella Ruth rocking her in my arms before dragging her cot into the bathroom. I kissed her forehead and put her in her cot " You can still see mommy" I said and she just gave me a gummy smile.

I turned towards Bennett, washing his hair with his favourite shampoo. He seemed silent but I brushed it off and once he was finished his bath I wrapped it in his small fluffy towel. He looked up at me sheepishly as I put on his shirt.

" What's wrong sweetie," I asked


Mumma is mad, I know she is. I don't want her tell daddy. I...I feel bad I pees the bed, I...I is embarrassed....why did I 'ave to pees the bed. Daddy will be mad too, they don't pees, Stelly Ruth doesn't and I am Potty training d Trained. Mummy helped me out of the bath, she wrapped her arms around me drying my shoulders....She is mad...I don't want to...to her to be


"Your mad" Bennett said frowning with his adorable little pout 

" No sweetie Mummys just tired," I said 

"No tell Daddy" He mumbled and I laughed 

" Ok I won't tell daddy" I smiled tiredly and brushed his hair back before it poofed back up. "Come on sweetie It is time for breakfast" I picked Stella Ruth up. Quickly making some oatmeal and setting the bowl in front of Bennett he grimaced slightly and I laughed sitting next to him with Stellar in my lap. I had my laptop open, I had been looking for preschools for Bennett so far I have narrowed it down to two.

Tots preschool

Academy for tots

Toddler's academic palace

Is it weird I keep thinking tot stands for tatter tots? 

I clicked on Academy for tots, it looked nice and it was affordable. I turned the laptop screen towards Bennett. "look at this sweetie does it look fun?" 

"yeah, slide," He said referring to the giant slide on the smallest picture, I nodded well that covers all of them. I lowered my head towards the little thing on my lap the cute adorable baby thing. 

" Stellar look at me," I said making kissing noises. She turned her head looking up at me, she reached her head up towards my face her tiny putty fingers pulling on my hair. It was too adorable to hurt. She said some unrecognizable things so I lifted her so she could see the laptop. " do you want to go here?"

She opened her mouth as if she was going to say something but instead let out a giggle. I turned her around so she could face me.  "ooooh your so adorable, give mummy a kiss" I cooed " do you want to hold your sister?" 

Bennett nodded profusely, and I walked over to the couch, he quickly jumped up and sat down waiting. I slowly set her down on Bennett's lap. He stared at her and she stared at him and he smiled really widely.

" Hi" he giggled then she burst out into tears. shoot he frowned then he started crying. 

"no sweetie don't cry," I said picking up Stella Ruth " sweetie she just has a full diaper" he ignored me and ran off. I sighed and quickly changed Stella Ruth. I brought her back to her room where her toys are and set her down on the floor. Getting her day clothes out of her dresser, I turned around and froze she wasn't there.......ok.......shoot.....the stairs. I rushed out of the room and looked towards the stairs she wasn't there and there was no body at the bottom. I turned the other way to look for her how could she crawl away so fast. I looked in my room, the bathroom then stopped outside of Bennetts room he was laying on the floor fast asleep with Stella Ruth asleep next to him. I sighed not worried I had just lost one of my kids, I picked them both up deciding it didn't matter if two out of three of us were still wearing pj's. I laid them on the couch so they were sleeping against my lap.

" Wow you guys look adorable," A voice said and I opened my eyes Jasper was standing there smiling.

" Why are you home from work so early?" I asked carefully not to stretch and wake up my little miracles.

"it's 7:30," he said laughing and kissed my forehead. 

" oh, I forgot to make dinner let me, Ju..." I started to get up but Jasper stopped me

" I'll make dinner," He said

" But you just got home from working you're probably tired," I said 

" a little but I don't want to have to change Stella Ruth's nappy," He said laughing and walked off into the kitchen. oh....OH

I lifted Stella Ruth and Jasper came and nudged Bennett awake, well played Jasper played.

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