Bath Time

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"Right well, we need to get you washed up. Your scent is strong. I'm surprised they couldn't smell it when I walked into the Altar. I did have my jacket over you, Maybe that's what helped hide it. I have cleaning products we can use. Do yous want to wash yourself?" Fern looks at him in confusion. Didn't he say 'I have hidden your scent with mine and tonight I will make sure it will stay on you.' The jacket was the first part, so the second part is him washing Fern with his own things he cleans himself with. Fern points to Andre and he gets the message. Andre grabs the bottle and puts the substance in his hands. He rubs it into the boy's blonde white hair. Fern hums to the gentle roughness of the lathering. Andre hesitates before rubbing the soap up onto his ears. Fern sits up straight and blushes. Andre stops and goes back to his hair.

Once he's finished washing his hair Andre lathers the body soap on his hands and massages Fern's thin pale body with the soap. Once Andre gets down to his crotch he expects Fern to tell him to stop. He doesn't and Andre cleans him down there. He then moves to his legs, raising them above the now warm soapy water. He rubs on the soap from the inside of his legs to his toes. Fern has honestly never felt so relaxed in a bath before. Andre finishes and helps Fern out of the water. Fern instantly becomes cold and shivers. Andre notices and takes off his hoodie. He puts it on Fern and it's like a dress on him. Andre chuckles to himself and dries Fern's hair with a towel. Fern's lower regions slowly start getting stiffer. Fern blushes and covers himself more with the jacket.

"What is it Bunny? Oh- Fern?" The nickname and his name said by the man make Fern stiffer and redder. Fern just shakes his head. "Oh, baby please tell me what's wrong." Baby? Why did Andre call him that? Andre picks him up in his strong arms and places him on his bed. Fern sits cross-legged.

"It's nothing. I just don't believe this happened and why it happened to me. I just wanted to see what was going on. There were red flakes and sparks. I've never been to a place like this before. I haven't seen anything like it except in the picture books Grandma has." He fidgets with his ears and thinks about his family back in the forest. His eyes go wide. "Grandma! Sister! I left them! They are going to be so worried!" He starts crying. Andre stares and sits silently watching this go down, not knowing what to do or how to help. Fern passes out on the bed again. Andre just puts him under the covers and sighs. It's going to be a long day.

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