The big bad Wolf

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The taller man drapes the frail boy's body with his bulky jacket. He lifts him up easily and throws him over his shoulder. He makes sure the boy's ears are covered and not noticeable by others if they pass by. He would put dirt on them to hide them even more but he doesn't want to risk them getting infected or stained. He walks into a big old victorian altar. The top has broken down over the millennia. It is the only building that no one comes to anymore, which makes it perfect for a thriving small community of wolf humans. The man passes by animals waving at him and greeting him back. A man comes up to him dressed in a thin white top that shows off his abs, a long trench coat, and tan ripped jeans. His shoes are torn but fancy. His ears are the same dark brown color as the man holding Fern.

"Welcome back Andre!" The man punches his arm and winks.

"I have things to do. Leave me alone Kane." Andre growls and walks past him. Kane puts his hands up in defense and smiles. Andre glares at him and walks away to his hidden space. Andre hops through crumbled structures and opens a hatch in the floor. He crawls through it and places the bunny boy on his worn bed. He stole the sheets from his parent's bed after they died before Kane could get them. He didn't like his parents. No reason, they were just shit parents pretty much. Kane was the sass mouth so he got hit more. Andre tried to be the best kid but nothing pleased his parents. When his parents tried to get out of the city but the bear humans got to them after they went out. He and his brother got left and found by another wolf pack.

He puts the bunny under the big quilted covers and changes himself. He puts on a grey hoodie and black sweatpants with checkered stripes running on the side. His black stained socks have holes, showing his toes. He sits down at a wooden desk and writes a letter.

"For you,

I am going out and if you see this before I get back, you can't get out of here. If you do they will kill you and eat you. I have hidden your scent with mine and tonight I will make sure it will stay on you. Sleep as much as you can. I will be back as soon as possible. Don't scream, don't make noise, don't go to the bathroom anywhere. I'm going to try and get food for you, I know you probably don't eat meat so I'll try and find some greens for you.


He looks at his letter and before ripping it up he puts it on the pillow by the boy and leaves.

Fern wakes up in a daze. Before his eyes adjust he sees a piece of paper. On it has a note. He reads and remembers what happened before he passed out. He shakes and tears fill his eyes. He re-reads the note multiple times. Fern tried to stand but his legs were too shaky to even crawl. He lays back down and passes out again. A few minutes later Andre comes back and quietly picks up the bunny boy and takes him to the bathroom connected to the small room. He gingerly strips the boy of his tattered clothes. He lays him in the bath and runs the hot water. This is one of the only baths and showers with good hot water. The bunny boy starts to stir again and looks up to see his captor. He opens his mouth to scream. Andre freaks and covers his mouth with his big tanned one.

"Shhh, bunny. No one is supposed to know you're here." He puts a finger over his lips shushing him. The boy's green eyes become glossy and tears stream down his face. Andre releases him and holds his hands behind his back. Fern relaxes then freaks again out to find that he is bare naked in a tub. He stutters random letters and almost passes out again. He feels Andre's arms around him, squeezing him.

"What-what are you-you doing to-to me?" Fern stutters out through the tears and spit. Drool falls from his mouth. Andre falls back and explains. He explains what he wrote in the letter. He explains what and who he is. Fern learns to understand that if anyone else found him on the streets, he would be dead meat by now. Fern is surprisingly thankful for this wolf man in front of him. Fern holds out a shaky hand, "I- I'm Fer-Fern." He stutters.

Andre takes it and replies, "Names Andre. Good to know your name so I don't keep calling yous Bunny." Fern's pale face turns a light shade of red to the nickname. "Oh? Do you like being called Bunny? That's what you are anyways." He goes to touch his ears but Fern pulls them down. Right. He grabbed them before and hurt him. It was only to scare him. Well, it worked too well. 

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