chapter 12

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Y/n expected to end up in Africa. Little did he know that he end up in Somalia. A very poor country and home to modern day pirates.

The Bsaa arrives and has to meet with UN forces. Y/n has the same disguise that he did in China.

It didn't take long to meet up with the UN. And they wanted the Bsaa to sit around and do nothing while they handled it. No matter what Jill protested, it was falling on deaf ears.

Y/n decided to find other ways to help around the UN camp.

He found a medical section. Meant to treat the wounded soliders and civilians.

Y/n can see that they are clearly understaffed and dealing with too much at once.

Y/n saw one patient thrashing around. With two doctors trying to restrain him. Y/n walked up and held the man down with little effort. This gave the doctors time to restrain the mad man. Y/n decided to stick around and help a bit. Giving a hand to the doctors.

But the pediatric section had a huge problem. One of the children managed to run away and escape.

Y/n went to go look for the child.

Y/n got a look at Mogadishu. The capital of Somalia is in chaos. This virus isn't like the T or A virus. This one pollutes the mind, gets rid of humanity and replaces it with only violence.

However this means that a good portion of them killed each other. But their far more durable than normal humans. Making ammo a big problem. Y/n moves down the streets, he checks building after building for the lost child.

He found a house. He went into it. He walked around the small home and found himself in a small bedroom. It had a kid sized bed. He could hear light breathing coming from underneath the bed. He looked underneath the bed to see a child. She had a teddy bear in her arms and was clutching it tightly.

She was scared of Y/n's mask.

Y/n in head: I'm going to have to convince her to come out somehow.

Y/n had an assortment of snacks and candy in his pockets. He grabbed a chocolate bar out of one and opened it. He held it out for the girl to see.

She slowly crawled out towards him. Y/n backed away slowly with the chocolate bar in hand. The girl crawled out from under the bed. She took the chocolate bar from Y/n's hand and looked at him. Y/n picked her up and let her sit on his arm.

The girl ate the chocolate bar as they exited the house. Y/n began carrying the girl back to the camp. On the way they found an infected individual.

The individual looked at them and let out an inhuman wail. Y/n put the girl on the ground and readied himself for a fight.

The individual charged with a machete in hand. The individual went for a slash on Y/n. Y/n blocked the slash with his arm. He then grabbed the individual by the head and slammed him down hard.

Y/n thought the fight would end there. He was wrong.

The individual got back up.

Y/n in head: That is new.

The individual picked up his machete and slashed wildly at Y/n. Y/n grabbed the man by the neck and began to squeeze. Eventually the man's neck snapped along with that part of the spine. Y/n let the man fall down.

Y/n picked the girl back up and continued on his way. It didn't take too long for him to walk them back to camp.

The guards saw them and let them pass into decontamination. Afterwards one of the doctors came to get the child. The child waved at Y/n as she was led away. Y/n waved back.

Jill walked up to Y/n.

Jill: So that's what you were up to. I was looking for ya, then the doctors mentioned a seven foot tall man giving them a hand.

Y/n nodded.

Jill: Maybe that'll convince the asshole in charge of this to let us help.

?: Only because I need you for something else.

A man walked up to them.

Jill: Y/n. Meet the guy in charge. Commander Bäcker.

Bäcker: Something else came up. I heard you are a detective, right miss Valentine?

Jill: Yes.

Bäcker: It seems that someone here is giving information to an outside source. Normally I'd ignore it since it's normally the press or media. But since this is a delicate situation, I want to know who their sending these transmissions to.

Jill: So you know that these transmissions are being sent out?

Bäcker: Yes. But we can't get the source. They don't last long enough for us to track it. And I don't know who it is obviously.

Jill: Alright, we'll help you.

Bäcker: I owe you one.

He walked away.

Jill: Time to get to work Y/n. Let's grab Chris and regroup.

Y/n gave a thumbs-up.

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