A/N: I Need Some Help Making Names For The New Book Series😅

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Hey guys! So imma be straight up honest, it's o be different and have originality for the titles yadayada, anyways! Like I said, I need some help naming my book series I'm releasing out this month, and here is what I got for the books, also happy to take it title requests too, so here they are.

(Snuffy x Male Reader Titles)
Squirrel's Favorite Nuts!
Raccoon Favorite Trash Can!
Can A Human And A Animal Fall In Love?
Toxic Love!
When A Toxic Raccoon Falls In Love With A Toxic Human!

(Amelia Watson x Female Reader Titles)
A Pop Girl's Heart For The Detective!
When Girl's Be Girl's.
An Odd Relationship Between A Detective And A Pop Star!
Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun! ( If you're a old head like me (kids thing being over 18 is a old head even tho I'm 19 turning 20 in November so yea lmao) and listen to alot of old school songs, you would know the reference to this title lmao )
Girl's Who Like Girl's~!

And that is what I got for most of the titles for the books I might release this month, tell me which one would you like, and I'm also happy to take in requests like I said earlier!
Anyways, I hope you're all having an amazing day and I'll talk to you all till the next chapter!

This Is Juni, Signing Out!

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