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Shepherd: Good morning, class.

Everyone except him: Morning. *in a bored tone*

Shepherd: Unmute your microphones and turn on your cameras before we start the lesson, because today we're learning about *lags* the history of World War 2.

Soap: Huh, what was that? Sorry, I can't hear ya, mate!

Ghost: I'm going to the bathroom!

Roach, in the chat because he pretended his mic was broken: Me too!

Shepherd: Make sure you're back before 8 AM because we're starting the lesson very soon. Anyways, my internet kept lagging like crazy, and do you have any tips on how to make it work better?

Farah: Try ask Alex, he's an expert in it.

Alex: Press Alt and F4 simultaneously, sir.

Shepherd: *presses Alt+F4 and leaves the meeting room, much to everyone's delight*

Roach: *turns on his mic* Woohoo! Thank god we're free now because Mr. Shepherd's lessons are so boring, I want to sleep because of it.

Price: I think we should keep the class in order, so do you guys have any educational links for us to learn together?

Alex: There's a lot, but I can't choose at all.

Soap: Why not we have a Zoom game instead like a trivia night?

Roach: I'm in!

Farah: Guess this time I'm joining because it sounds fun.

Ghost: There is no way you guys are playing without me so I'm joining the game no matter what.

Price: Class is over, now we're going dark.

Gaz: Wait, I have this link instead, please check it now! I swear to god this video is a fun educational one and I want you guys to check this now. 

Everyone: *click on the link*


Farah, facepalming: I didn't expect that at all.

Soap: Nice try, eh? I already experienced it because one time Ghost and Roach gave the same link to me and I got a video of Rick Astley dancing instead.

Alex, smugly: Guess we've been Rickrolled.

Ghost and Roach: *laughs so hard to the point they fall from their chairs*

Gaz: You okay there?

Ghost: More than fine.

Roach: Yep, I'm totally fine.

Alex: I'd rather be Rickrolled for the entire day than listen to another one of Shepherd's lectures.

*Yuri has joined the meeting*

Yuri: What did I miss?

A/N: You guys know what's inside the link, right?~

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