Cat Noir's Visit

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Marinette's POV

-nette! Marinette wake up! You're going to be late. I slowly opened one eyelid to see tiki yelling. I grumbled and in a sleepily voice said "10 more minutes". I was very tired because I stayed up all night fighting an akuma with Cat Noir. "But you  only have 10 minutes till school!" tiki yelled.  I got off my bed, rushed to brush my teeth, told tiki to pick out my clothes, slipped on my shoes, and stumbled down the stairs. I kissed both of my parents goodbye and ran outside. I burst into the classroom as always and all eyes were immediately on me.  I quickly muttered an apology to miss bustier sat down next to Alya and put my head down. "Girl you okay, you look pretty bad."  I looked up and sarcastically said "Thanks for the compliment, I'm fine just got very little sleep." I put my head back down and continued listening to the lesson. I guess I fell asleep because I wake up to Adrien poking me and calling my name. "Marinette wake up class is over." I hopped off my seat and said "Up I'm-me up-I mean I'm up." He just blinked at me twice and started chuckling. I quickly said "Weshouldgotoclassnow" (we should go to class now) and ran out the door.

               Adrien's POV

Marinette's been acting weird today...weirder than normal I mean. I mean first she comes in looking like a train wreck, no offense. Then she falls asleep during class, I'm kind of worried about her. Maybe I should talk to her after school before we go home.

Le Time Skip

School is finally over, when I leave the classroom to go find Marinette Nino walks up to me. "Hey dude!" He says but I'm still curious about Marinette so I asked "Hey Nino, do you know what's wrong with Marinette?" "Naw dude, but I could ask  Alya after school if you want." He said. Just as I was about to respond I saw the girls walking out of the school, so me and Nino walked over. "Hey dudes!" Nino greeted, "Hey boys!" said Alya. Marinette just slowly turned around and stared at me. Alya elbowed her in the gut and she started slowly waving. 

"So marinette how's it goi- *BEEP BEEP* Before I could ask what was wrong, my bodyguard pulled up and started beeping. I waved goodbye to my friends and got in the car. As I was sitting I was still wondering what was wrong with Marinette today. I think she might have to get a visit from her feline friend. I was thinking about this while in the car and decided against it because what excuse would I have for visiting her. After I got into my room I sat down on my bed to continue thinking about this when I heard screaming outside. 

I immediately transformed and hopped out my window, I saw Ladybug perched on a ledge near the attack. I dropped down next to her and saw Stormy Weather flinging cars through the air. "Why hello m'lady, this seems like a huge catastrophe" I said. "Okay kitty, now your puns are really bugging me." I just stared at her. OMG can't believe m'lady just said a pun. I heard her giggling "oops did I say that out loud?" I asked. "You did kitty cat, but that doesn't matter let's get to work!" she said. I decided this could be a good excuse to visit Marinette, cars being flung everywhere and all.

Le Time Skip and Marinette's POV

"Pound it!" Me and Cat Noir said in unison. Cat Noir kissed my hand and said "I ought to go check on my friend Marinette, see you soon m'lady. I had no idea he considered Marinette a friend but I decided to take a shortcut home to beat him there. "Okay kitty, bug out!" I landed on my balcony de-transformed and decided to stay there and wait for him. I heard a thud behind me and a "Hey Marinette, a little birdie told me you had a bad day today...before I ate it of course." Yep that's definitely Cat Noir.

 "Oh and who might this birdie be?" I asked, curious as to who in my school could know Cat Noir other than me. "That's for me to know and for you to pawssibly find out." I rolled my eyes at the pun. "Ugh your annoying you know that?" I said. He just stared at me as I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes then said, "If you say so sunshine!" Sunshine? What kind of nickname is that. "Oh no, you're not calling me sunshine." " okay well I got to call you something oh, how about muffin or cupcake? Because you live in a bakery." I groaned at this, I was way too tired to deal with his foolishness right now. So instead of agreeing to this nickname I offered him some food which I knew would silence him. 

I saw his eyes light up at the mention of food. He smirked at me and said " I would love some food cupcake!" I groaned, I thought the food would make him forget about the stupid nicknames. "Okay stay up here I'll go get the food." I say as I head back into my room. I go downstairs to the kitchen and get some macaroons and croissants. I Stumble up the ladder and trip on the top of it. Cat Noir catches me and the food then says "guess I should let you get your beauty sleep, although I don't think you need it." He said with a wink. I could feel my face getting warmer. He grabbed a croissant and macaroon then hopped off my balcony into the night.

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