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[ muse berry❤️ ]


Idk if you're awake or not

But I can't sleep

If you're awake, please reply

Muse Berry❤️
Hey yeah I'm awake

I can't sleep either

What's up?

Idk man

I just can't sleep

I guess I'm just feeling kinda blue and I can't sleep cause of that 

What about you?

Muse Berry❤️
Are you okay?

Do you wanna talk about it?

Ahhh idk, I don't wanna dump all this on you I guess

it's too much family drama and stuff

Usually I talk to Andy and Rylee about these things but idk, it's 3 am again and they're not awake so I guess I'll have to wait until the morning

Just can't sleep, is all

Muse Berry❤️
Well, I understand that. If you ever want to talk though, I'm here to help and to listen

Really? You don't mind?

Muse Berry❤️
No, of course not

That's what friends are for :)

Thank you, that means a lot...

Do you think we could... maybe FaceTime again?

Only if you want to

And if you're okay with it

Muse Berry❤️
Oh... sure

I look horrible though cause I'm in bed

Lol don't worry about it

I look like shit too

Muse Berry❤️
Ouch, I never said I looked like shit, I just said I looked horrible

Oh shut up you big baby

Tomato tomahto


       DYLAN PLACED AN AIRPOD IN his ear, taking a deep and nervous breath in before answering the call. The bad reception in his hotel room was making it difficult for the call to connect, but soon enough he saw Cara, her face lightly illuminated by what seemed to be white LED lights in her room. Cara was laying in her bed, moving her baby hairs out of her face. Cara then saw Dylan, the video cleared up and her breath caught in her throat. She'd forgotten that she was talking to the Dylan Sprayberry and not just some random school buddy. This was a celebrity she was talking to. A celebrity who called himself her friend and was willing to help her in her time of need. What had she done to deserve such an amazing opportunity?

"Hey." Cara greeted shyly, smiling. Dylan smiled in return, rubbing the tiredness out of his face with his large hand as he took in the sweet sound of her sober voice.

"Hey." Dylan replied with a quiet chuckle. "How are you doing?" He asked quietly, almost as if trying not to wake someone.

"I'm good, I guess... I just have a lot on my plate right now and I don't know what to do to stop the chaos and the stress." She admitted with a sigh, suddenly shaking her head. "What about you, how are you doing?"

"I'm okay, I guess." He said with a hum and a shrug. "Having some doubts about things I've done, though, so I guess that's what's keeping me up." He admitted in return. Cara nodded and grinned, tilting her head into her comfortable pillows.

"I understand that." Cara murmured softly, bringing a strange satisfaction to Dylan. Dylan smiled at the sound of her peaceful and comforting voice. "Well, I'm here to listen, to help, and to support you in anything." Dylan nodded to himself.

"Thanks... You too." He responded awkward, mentally face palming. Cara nodded and chuckled. "Trouble at home?" Dylan asked suddenly. Cara frowned and sighed before she nodded.

"Yeah. My dad is a workaholic and my mom is an alcoholic. Neither of them ever have time for me or my little brother because of that. My dad is always busy and my mom is always drunk. And right now, well, my dad is going to sleep at his job because he got angry at mom cause she threw up all over their bed and spilled booze all over it, too." She sighed, rambling on. Dylan was shocked, but he remained calm and collected in order to not make her feel like he was judging her. "He's slept on the couch before and stuff, but he's never gone as far as to leave and go sleep at his job, ya know?" Dylan nodded slowly. The truth is he didn't know, he's never lived through something like that, but he wanted to help her.

"I'm sorry you're going through that... I wish there was someway I could help you and your brother out." Dylan said with a sigh. "All I can say is you have to stay strong, you'll pull through. I know you will." He said quietly. Cara half-smiled.

       "Thanks... That means a lot." She said as she sniffled, wiggling her nose to get rid of an annoying itch. Dylan smiled at the sight. "So, what are—" Cara was interrupted by the sound of a soft snore in the background that she hadn't noticed was there before. Dylan's eyes widened slightly, hoping that Cara hadn't heard.

       "What are what?" Dylan asked a bit louder than before, shifting his position on the bed. It was then that Cara noticed that he was shirtless and his hair was a mess. He was dimly lit by the brightness coming off his phone screen.

       "Are you with someone?" Cara asked suddenly but calmly, Dylan's breath hitching in his throat. Dylan sighed softly.

       "Oh, yeah, I'm uh... I'm staying at a hotel with one of my cast mates from Teen Wolf... Him and I are working on set this week so we're staying at a hotel together." Dylan said quietly. "He's asleep." Cara nodded slowly. She hadn't realized he wasn't alone, and was suddenly embarrassed by everything she'd said to him, even though it seemed his cast mate was sleeping and hadn't heard anything she'd said.

        "Oh... Okay... I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were busy. You're probably tired, and you have work and all..." Cara said quietly, sitting up in her bed. Dylan shook his head.

       "No no, it's okay. I'm always up at this time anyway." He reassured, but Cara shook her head.

       "No it's okay, I have to get to bed anyways. I have to clean the house tomorrow since my mom will clearly not be able to." She said with a sigh and then smiled.

       "Okay... Well good luck with that. I hope things get better soon." Dylan murmured, shifting his position in the bed so he was laying on his side, his back facing a large window in the hotel room covered by curtains.

       "Thanks..." Cara said with a smile. "Anyways, I better get going. Thanks for listening to my ranting, Muse." Dylan smiled.

       "Anytime, McKinley."

THREE A.M | dylan sprayberry ✓Where stories live. Discover now