White Maid One Shot #10

Start from the beginning

Aurora was extremely uncomfortable in the clothes, she made her way to the cafeteria and began grabbing as many things as she could. She was on her way out when she ran into something. She winced, "Oh- I'm sorr-" She looked up and paled when she saw Sebastian towering over her. "What are you doing?" He asked. Aurora stammered, he cut her off. "You are supposed to be in class right now, correct?" Aurora relaxed a bit and nodded, "I'm sorry sir- I was just running late! Honest!" Sebastian frowned at her, his glare was strong and Aurora almost thought she might be revealed. He sighed, "Very well. Get to class this instant." Aurora nodded vigorously. "Yes, sir!" She took off running and snuck back to the dormitories where she entered Ciel's room and reversed the spell with a shudder. "I despise that spell..." She muttered. Ciel looked over, "Can you do other magic?" He asked. Aurora shrugged, "I can do some. Most magic is forbidden, even in oaths and contracts." She sat on the edge of Ciel's bed and handed him a bowl of soup. "Here, try some soup petite cheri." Ciel obeyed and she hummed quietly to him, singing softly to the boy. 

 "Bonne nuit mon ange 

Maintenant il est temps de rêver

Et rêve comme c'est merveilleuxVotre vie seraUn jour, votre enfant pourrait pleurerEt si tu chantes cette berceusePuis dans ton coeurIl y aura toujours une partie de moi"

Ciel's eyes slowly began to flutter shut as she sang to him. She hummed quietly, "Et si tu chantes cette berceuse..." Ciel yawned and drifted quickly into slumber, but not before murmuring quietly. "Aurora..." The angel smile, "Hmm?" Ciel yawned, "Bonne nuit Mère...." Aurora's eyes widened a bit in surprise, but she smiled and bent down to kiss him on the head. "Bonne nuit, mon fils..." 

A few hours passed and Sebastian entered the room, finding his mate curled up around the child earl. He glanced at the clock. The students would be coming back soon. He walked over and gently shook his mate awake. Aurora yawned and curled closer to Ciel and blinked sleepily at him with her beautiful silver blue hues. "Just a few more minutes, mon cher..." Sebastian shook his head with a small smile, "Apologies my darling, it appears you have both slept rather late. It is time for us to retire to our own room." Aurora hummed and yawned, reaching her arms up to him as though she were a child. "If you carry me..." Sebastian chuckled, bending down to scoop her up into his arms. "My dear, you are most incorrigible at times." Aurora sighed, "And is that so mad, mon amour?" Sebastian bent his head to rest against hers, "Hardly, my angel."

The following day, Aurora woke to loud coughs from the room down the hall. Ciel had been moved to another room for the duration of his sickness, where he was now, he was closer to Sebastian's quarters and office. Aurora groaned and rolled over, glancing over to see Sebastian getting up and out of bed. Aurora watched him get dressed and eyed him hungrily as he dressed. "Do you have to go, Sebastian?" She asked with a soft sigh, flopping down on the bed so that she lay horizontally across it, watching him like a curious child. He glanced back at her, "My apologies, darling. But I do have to tend to this." He bent down to kiss the tip of her nose, before he cupped her face and smiled. "I will return shortly before dinner." Aurora frowned watching him tie his tie. She glanced at his robes resting upon the back of his desk chair and smirked. A small, impish smirk came across her face. She rolled over and reached for the robe while her mate was distracted. 

She knew very well he got up an hour or so before he had to go. She quietly pulled the robes around her naked form, sitting patiently, watching as he finished his tie. When he reached for the robe and found it missing, he frowned and looked a little confused. Aurora hummed and stood, moving to stand behind him and sneaking her hands up and around his waist to rest on his chest. "Looking for something, mon amour?" She asked seductively. Sebastian smirked, and laced his hand with hers. "Yes..." Aurora giggled as he spun her around and into his arms. He eyed her figure, wrapped in his long black robes. 

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