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Nobody was ready to give in.

Even before sunrise, when the sky was tinted a pale blue and there was an odd sense of calmness, Alivia was up and alert. Now the sun was on its highest point and her head was throbbing. Was it the heat or the chanting nonsense Wiress insisted on? Who knows.

Either way, she felt like she was going to lose her mind.

Another parachute filled with fruit was delivered as soon as they woke up. Still no water but they tried to manage with what they had. By Beetee's side, Wiress threw her ration onto the ground.

"Here, have mine," Blight offered. "I don't mind eating them off the ground."

It was a nice gesture, even though Beetee refused on her behalf. Wasting food was not a luxury they could afford at the moment.

"Mags, I fucking love you!" Johanna screamed into the jungle while she munched on the fruit. Quite a reckless way to tell any tributes nearby where they were, but Alivia was too tired to say anything about it.

A loud, shaking noise disrupted the otherwise silent jungle. Their heads perked up, searching for the source. It sounded exactly like rain but the skies were clear blue.

"Do you hear that?" Blight asked.

"Sounds like it's pouring somewhere."

Alivia stood silent, wary of her surroundings. Whatever it was, it kept getting closer. Then, the pouring hit them. All at once. It was so sudden it left them dumbfounded for a second. There had been a hint of relief along with a bit of suspicion, but now it was all drowning confusion. This so-called rain had nothing refreshing about it. It felt heavy, like she couldn't lift her own bones, and it was so hot it made her skin feel like it was boiling.

"It's blood!" Blight yelled somewhere.

Alivia's eyelashes started clumping together, making it almost impossible to see three steps away. "We have to get to the beach!" Alivia tried to say. It was a bad call because she immediately gagged.

She stumbled upon a clueless Wiress on her way ahead so she grabbed the nearest leaf she could feel and put it over the lady's head to cover it as she dragged her across the jungle. She also grabbed Beetee's wire and shoved it into his chest. Beetee quickly grabbed hold of Wiress to not get lost in the madness.

A bang made her trip on her own feet. With the little vision she possessed, she spied Blight's body flying in front of them. She wanted to gasp, she wanted to stop and help him but if they didn't keep moving they would not be able to breathe soon.

The sound of the canyon told her it was too late anyways.

Alivia thought they wouldn't make it, until she landed in the sand and felt the mist of the waves. Her knees felt so heavy from the clumped sand mixing with the blood. She coughed and spitted out everything that got into her mouth. Bile started to gather in her throat while Johanna rammed her ax into the sand in frustration.

It took a few minutes for all them to recover, except for Wiress that was already wandering back. Johanna pushed her back quite harshly and made sure the area was clear. She waited for no one. It was dangerous but they were basically blind.

"I need a minute," Alivia mumbled once she was stared at for not moving.

A voice from afar caught her attention. Had she actually lost it or was Finnick really screaming somewhere at the beach? Have I gone insane? Apparently not. Her eyes watered in need to cleanse themselves.

A wave of relief went through her once Finnick met up with Johanna cheerily and he seemed visibly unharmed. Alivia took a deep breath and stood up. Her legs trembled with every step she took but she managed to join the group nevertheless. Katniss spotted her before anyone, bow still in hand. Alivia should've expected the arrow pointed to her face, she had sneaked up on them and with all that blood she could bet she was not a pretty sight.

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