"We should get going, probably."

"Don't you think it's a little bit suspicious?"

"Oh, definitely. But aren't you curious?"

Alivia wouldn't call it curiosity but the glinting in Finnick's eyes set a thrill running through her body. "Alright, let's go. Let's hope your curiosity isn't the death of you– of us, actually."

Finnick's smile widened.

Instead of going down, where the community hall was placed, they kept going up. That seemed to stir something in Finnick, who kept looking at the paper just to make sure they were reading correctly. After so many tugs, the paper started to burn itself and leave nothing but dust. "Huh, would you look at that?"

The elevators opened to reveal a cautious Haymitch. Alivia had never crossed words with him. After about two seconds of staring at each other, Finnick spoke, "I think we might be on the wrong floor."

"Not at all. At least, not you," he cocked his head in Alivia's direction, "but I understand you come in a package deal, or something."

"Well, you've got that right."

"Calm down, pretty boy. Just come in."

Haymitch motioned for them to sit in front of him. He went straight to the point.

"Congratulations, you've been selected to be allies by the girl on fire," he muttered with a hint of humor. "Now, here's the deal. You need to keep Katniss and Peeta alive, no matter what."

Finnick snorted. "Now, why would we do that?"

"You are being offered the possibility of rescue and shelter from the Quarter quell. You are being offered to be a part of the revolution."

Alivia's mouth went dry. The revolution had been slow gossip for a long time along the districts. "What?" she muttered.

"You are clearly joking."

"Not in the slightest."

"How do we know you are not messing with us?"

"You have my word," Haymitch shrugged.

"Yeah, I think you are going to need a little bit more than that," Finnick retorted.

"Listen, pretty boy, my word is all you have right now. Which I think is better than going on the games without it, that way you both have the chance to live."

Haymitch cleared his face from the hair that was getting in the way with a sigh, he was clearly on edge trying to seem otherwise. If what he was saying was true, a revolution, who knows what was to come.

"Look," he said more calmly, "we'll try to take everyone we can but Katniss and Peeta are our main priority. I cannot guarantee you any more. But... we can arrange something if you have someone out there."

"How about Mags? Can you take Mags with you?"

"As long as you keep your part of the deal she'll be safe and sound."

Alivia and Finnick looked at each other. Finnick's eyes glinted with hope. There was no hesitation when they both said, "Deal."

The man in front of them smiled briefly, satisfied with himself.

"Wise choice. Now, under no circumstances you can tell her or the boy. Or the authorities for that matter. Simply, do not discuss what we spoke here. The rest of the allies will be shared with you over the course of these days. And don't do anything stupid to upset them before the games because if they choose to kill you we have no control over that."

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