"Look, I really don't mind," he said simply. "It's not like it's such a long walk and it's nice to eat something sweet without having to worry about Mags' health. Plus, we have a good time, don't we? But, if you really want to stop you just have to say the word."

That was it. Alivia only needed to say it and mean it.

In the meantime, Finnick  resumed his cooking and a brief silence surrounded them until Alivia gave up and said, "Mags buys her pastries when you are not around."

Finnick let out an exaggerated sigh. "That woman. I knew it."

That was her giving in. Alivia couldn't fool anyone, not even herself. She liked having Finnick's attention, there was no other way to see it.

On their way to the training center they talked—or Finnick talked. Alivia listened mostly. The mistake was made once she turned, meeting with his side profile. Got too caught up in the way his nose tipped every time he spoke and how his dimple deepened with certain words. Once Finnick returned her gaze, her feet tangled up. The sound that escaped her lips when Finnick caught and lifted her was embarrassing.

"Careful there," he said in a voice so silky she could melt.

A drizzle had been going on and off all morning, she decided to blame it on that. Too bad the blush that followed her all the way to the training center couldn't be blamed on a drizzle.

The place was empty. Just Alivia and Finnick. Alone. With no one else.

She should really stop overthinking.

"It's important that you know how to defend yourself regardless of the situation. Hand to hand combat? Done. These?" He shook Alivia's weapon of choice. "A piece of cake. Now, what would happen if they had a weapon and you don't? You either disarm or kill them regardless, there is no other way."

Alivia held her breath as Finnick wavered around his trident and offered it like it was an extra piece of pie.

"Here. I'll start with the example."


A frown appeared in Finnick's face at the sudden negative answer.

"Why not? You've never used one?" It's not that, Alivia thought but didn't say. "It's quite simple, actually."

The trident twirled around from one tan hand to another with ease. Finnick was showing off a little, and although Alivia was impressed, she was terrified to hold it with her own hands.

"All you need is balance. It's pretty similar to a spear just not as common. And the most important thing, keep yourself away from the blade."

The weapon was offered once more. Hesitation was the first mistake. One should simply not handle such weapon with insecurity.

"It's alright," he tried reassuring.

Won't be saying that for sure once she chopped his arm off.

"Just come at me and I'll disarm you."

This is a bad idea, she thought.

The inevitable happened and Alivia's shaky fingers held now a bloody weapon. She would've dropped it, if her body hadn't been desperate to cling to something.

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