The Water Hero Meets Class D?

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"The place seemed to be abundant with Water Spirits, my King"  Dia told me. 

"Then that's good."

The voice inside my head reminded me of the frequent talks I would have with the Goddesses of the Divine Realm in my head. I remembered my goddess, Noah-sama and called out to her.


No response. 

Well let's leave it at that and try again later. 

Along the way to the city we were greeted by various monsters, with most of them being goblins. Slaying the goblins reminded me of what I was called during my early adventuring days; the "Goblin Cleaner". Although I wasn't particularly fond of it, it stuck with me. The majority of the monsters I killed when I first started were goblins anyway.

Leaving my past aside, we had finally arrived at the city beside the lake. Security wasn't too rough. No one questioned us.

What was weird though, was that I couldn't understand a single word that the people around me were saying. Looks like it was the same for Sa-san.

We kept on walking around the city, but a certain group of people caught my interest. A rather normal looking blonde haired person and a rather fit tall man, with blazing red hair, were conversing in.... Japanese?

Sa-san seems to have noticed it too. I nodded to her and we began to eavesdrop on the two.

"Man, Suzune is really strong. She took on all those monsters by herself. I heard she was granted power by a water goddess. What was she called again? Ear? Ier?"

" Man, you gotta pay attention sometime Sudo. It's Eir, the water goddess. I'd like to meet her."

"Yeah yeah that! Hirata seems to have been granted a blessing by a goddess too! The Sun goddess Althena? Like the Greek goddess of War?"

"You moron. That's Athena."

Now that was something I hadn't expected to hear. They both spoke Japanese, and apparently knew the Divine goddesses Eir-sama and Althena-sama. More importantly, the two goddesses had bestowed their blessings on two people?

"Sa-san, let's go talk to them. They're japanese people just like us."

"Hmm, okay if Makoto says so."

With her approval, I turned to the two, but was surprised to see that they had disappeared. They were now walking down the street and were turning to an alley.

"Sa-san, let's go!"

We both ran towards the two people. As we got closer, we began to conceal ourselves using Stealth.

The two of them were moving through alleys, until they had stopped at a rather lavish mansion. It wasn't something that nobles would live in, but it was still rather good.

"Sa-san! Behind you!" I said as I could see wind begin to blow furiously behind her.

She dodged it in time, and a wind blade almost decapitated her.

"Is it about time you two stopped hiding? You two have been very suspicious, following Ike-kun and Sudo-kun around."

I looked to see a woman, probably the same age as us, with long black hair.

"Wait. Stop. You guys speak Japanese too?" I asked.

"Huh? You guys are from Japan too?"
The red haired boy from earlier said.

"Yeah, we were transported into a different timeline. One different from yours'. We somehow got sent to this one." I explained.

"Horikita-san. Let's lower our weapons. These two seem like they won't attack." A rathee handsome boy, with yellowish brownish hair appeared.

Cote in another worldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora