Chapter 13: "... filling my life with color and sound."

Start from the beginning

Trying to hide my smile at the nickname, I shook my head. "No way. I'm too excited." Catching his pretty gaze, I gave him a smug smile. "Are you?"

Jungkook returned the smile. "Nope. I told you. I like the crazy things like this." He turned me in his arms and brushed a stray hair from my face. "And clearly since you do too, maybe you really are my soulmate."

Again, there was the fluttering in my chest, the feeling of excitement and when I looked at his pouty lips, I wanted so badly to kiss him, to feel his lips against mine, but I stopped myself. I barely knew this guy and him thinking I'm crazy was the last thing I wanted.

The queue moved forward and the safety operator waved us forward. He handed harnesses to both Jungkook and I then explained how to put them on. Once we were ready to go, he led us out to a little platform where we would be hooked to the cable then hoisted into the air.  The cable started to pull us up and Jungkook reached out for my hand. "You ready for this Bubbles?"

I turned to him, giving him an excited smile. "I sure am. The closest I'll ever get to flying, I'm sure." We reached the top of the structure and we heard the whistle from below, letting us know to pull the ripcord at any time.

"Alright Bubbles! On the count of three! 1! 2!"

Jungkook yanked the cord and we plummeted to the ground in a stunning free-fall, the feeling of weightlessness taking my breath away. The cable caught and we soared out over the carnival, the wind rushing past our faces. "THIS IS AMAZING!" I shouted, clinging tightly to Jungkook's hand, stretching my other hand into the cool night air.

I could head him laugh next to me and when I turned, his smile was bright and his eyes were filled with pure delight. We continued to swing back and forth for a moment before we were gently brought to a stop and lowered back to the platform. Once we were released from our harnesses and exited the ride, I turned to Jungkook and threw my arms around his neck.  

Suddenly realizing what I was doing, I quickly released him and stepped back. "I'm... I'm sorry for that. I guess I just got too excited."

Jungkook tapped the tip of my nose. "Don't even worry about it. Let's go have some more fun."

Jungkook POV:

As Y/N and I wandered through the carnival, I couldn't help the feelings of pure happiness flooding over me. The delight in her eyes was clear and when she hugged me, the pretty flush that covered her cheeks made her more beautiful than ever.

We passed the food stalls and the scents wafted towards my nose: spicy sausage, grilled onions, and sweet cotton candy. I tugged on Y/N's hand and she looked over at me. "How about some food?"

Y/N grinned in response and we headed down the aisle, eyes roving over the menus. We both stopped at a stand that advertised steak sandwiches, our faces turning to each other in agreement. After getting our food, we sat down at a little picnic table off to the side. The sounds of laughter, screams from the riders, and conversations filled the air. The night couldn't have been more perfect and I was so unbelievably happy to be sitting there with my soulmate, the one woman in the world I could see myself with for eternity.

As we ate, I looked around the carnival. Seated at a table near us was a small family: a mother, father and two dark haired little girls. The laughter from the little girls split the night and a wave of longing swept over me and I knew that was exactly what I wanted with my soulmate. The image of her with a little boy in her arms was so shockingly vivid that for a moment it took my breath away.

"You alright Jungkook?" Y/N's voice was worried as she set a hand on top of mine. "You seem distracted all of a sudden."

I turned my hand over and laced our fingers, not missing the flushing of her cheeks. "I'm perfectly fine. I was just thinking of something."

Y/N nodded then gave me a knowing smile. "You thinking of that girl you met? You ready to tell me about her yet?"

Although she was smiling and her words sounded interested, I couldn't help but see the brief look of sadness in her eyes. A look that was so fleeting that I could have imagined it. Was the idea of me being in a relationship bothering her? I dismissed the thought almost immediately, not thinking she felt that way about me. "I... I don't know. I met her through Jimin and his soulmate. She's beautiful, kind, funny, and so smart." I couldn't keep the admiring tone out of my voice. "But I don't know if she feels the same way about me that I do about her."

Almost as though she didn't realize it, Y/N began to rub her thumb across my fingers, the touch so soothing and gentle that it made me want to melt into a puddle at her feet. "How could she not like you? You're pretty amazing Jungkook and I barely know you. Any woman on the planet would be so lucky to be able to call you theirs."

Y/N's words filled my heart with such unbridled happiness that I could barely breathe. Did my soulmate really have such positive thoughts about me? The idea that she could love me like I was beginning to love her made me want to jump up and dance across the carnival grounds, shouting my adoration for her, for my beautiful soulmate. "Thank you. I really do appreciate that."

Giving me another smile, Y/N stood up then tugged me to my feet. "Come on. Let's go ride the Ferris wheel then find a spot for the fireworks."

I nodded, helping her to gather up our trash, dumping it in a bin as we headed towards the brightly lit wheel slowing rotating in the summer night sky. Standing in the queue, I once again pulled her close to me, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. At Y/N's surprised look, I quickly dropped my arm. "I'm sorry. I'm so used to doing that with all my friends. I even do it with Jimin."

Y/N smiled then wrapped a hesitant arm around me. "It's okay. I... I like it." Her words came out soft and I wanted to squeal at her cuteness.  

The ride operator directed us into a car on the Ferris wheel, bringing the metal bar down over us. As the wheel began to turn, our car tipped slightly backwards causing Y/N to let out a nervous squeak. I wrapped my arm back around her shoulders, pulling her close, my heart fluttering at her proximity.

"How... how are you feeling about the whole cheating thing?" I wanted to punch myself for asking the question, but I needed to know. I needed to know what I was competing against.

Y/N sighed then turned to me. "I'm not really sad about it. More disappointed than anything else. I always see the girls on television going through this and always wonder how they don't see it. The signs are so flashy and obvious that there's no way not to know. But... but I get it now. It just makes me feel stupid."

I brushed a piece of hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. "You're definitely not stupid. We just choose to see the best in people we care about. Even when they do things that hurt us, we want to assume that it's just an accident. There's nothing wrong with wanting to have faith in the people we care about, the people we love."

Turning back to face the night sky, Y/N leaned a head on my shoulder and my heart soared out of my chest like a cartoon character. "Yeah. I suppose you're right. I'm... I'm really happy I met you Jungkook."

The Ferris wheel continued to slowly spin and I enjoyed the moment with my soulmate in my arms, a moment that meant more to me than anything else in the world. After we exited the Ferris wheel, Y/N took my hand and led me out of the carnival and down to the beach.

We found a spot in the sand and as we sat down, the first explosion lit up the sky, spreading colors across the inky black sky. As we watched the fireworks, I felt the same explosions in my heart, filling my life with color and sound.  

Pied Piper: Book 2 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jungkook X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now