Chapter 5: "... bringing me one step closer to my beautiful soulmate."

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As I sat on the deck of the ship, coughing up the salty seawater that had filled my lungs, I thought of what I had seen under the surface of the water. I knew that JungMin didn't believe me, but there had been a man under the water. I couldn't make out much but he had dark hair and big doe eyes that gave him a sweet almost innocent look. He had pulled me into him, pressed his lips to mine and forced air into my lungs.

The hospital corpsman on the ship was convinced that I had hallucinated because of inhaling too much seawater, but I knew what I saw, what I felt. There was no other way to explain how I had lasted underwater as long as I had and how I was able to make it back to the surface. Between my uniform and boots, I had been weighed down and was unable to bring myself back up.

As much as I tried to convince them what I saw, it was no use. The corpsman and JungMin brushed it off, chalking it up to my panicky state and nothing more. I shakily got to my feet, the memory of the man's face in my mind. Although I was insistent that I could return to my watch, the captain was just as insistent that I needed rest considering I had almost drowned.

JungMin offered to escort me back to my quarters and I gratefully accepted, my legs still feeling unsteady beneath me.  As we walked, he kept glancing over at me, the look on his face seeming to question my sanity after my insistence that there was a man beneath the sea who had saved me.

"Are you alright ma'am?" JungMin finally asked, his eyes filled with concern.

I nodded my head. "I'm fine. A little worn out maybe. I think I'm going to try and get some rest when I get back to my quarters."

JungMin gave a sigh of relief and I had to smile at his reaction. He knew me well enough that he knew I hated having any downtime. I preferred to be busy rather than idle so this was going to be a challenge for the next several hours. I said goodbye to JungMin at the door to my quarters then stepped inside, shutting it behind me. I grabbed warm sweatpants and a fuzzy sweatshirt, along with clean undergarments and a towel then made my way to the showers. I was still chilled from the icy water and knew a hot shower would be just what I needed.

The hot water felt amazing cascading down my back even if the water pressure did suck a little. It was enough to rinse off all the salt water and take the chill from my bones. After washing my hair and body, I turned off the shower and stepped out. I quickly toweled dry then dressed, my shower shoes squeaking on the damp deck as I moved. I dressed in my warm sweats then pulled my damp hair into a ponytail, getting the wet strands out of my face.

After packing up my stuff and slipping on my sneakers, I left the showers and headed towards the galley, hopes of a nice hot cup of coffee filling my mind. As I approached and grabbed a cup, the cup was yanked from my hand before I could even make it to the coffee. I looked up and noticed a scowling Felix standing in front of me, my coffee cup held just out of my reach.

"Um... no. Not happening. After what just happened, the last thing you need is coffee. I have some herbal tea in the galley. I will make you that but you're not getting coffee. You need something to help you sleep not keep you awake." The look on Felix's face told me straightaway that no amount of pleading would get me the coffee.

"Fine." I crossed my arms over my chest, a look of annoyance clear on my face. A look that would have most of the enlisted men and women scrambling to apologize, but only served to make Felix laugh out loud.

Felix wagged a finger at me in mock disapproval. "Don't give me that look. You will be fine without your coffee for twelve hours. Now stay here. I'm going to make you a cup of tea then you are going straight to your quarters to rest."

Pied Piper: Book 2 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jungkook X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now