Chapter 4: "Now I just had to figure out how to make her mine."

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As the ship made its way across the ocean, I spent my time going between watches on the quarterdeck, sleeping, answering emails from home and scanning through the book I received in the mail.

After my watch earlier in the day, I had snagged a salad from the mess hall then went back to my quarters.

The book was the most beautiful and well-written book I had ever seen in my life. I had always had a fascination with mythical beings so the book was something I immensely enjoyed. The illustrations were captivating and I kept getting drawn to the one of the ship against the rocks. It was in the section on sirens, one of the beings I wasn't really familiar with. As I read through the section, the descriptions were startling. The idea that they were these evil tempters that would draw people deliberately to their deaths scared the hell out of me.

I picked up the piece of paper that was folded inside. Unfolding it, my mind focused on the symbols. They were definitely not familiar and I didn't know what they were or what they meant. I fingered the edge of the paper, feeling the unfamiliar texture, very unlike the paper I was used to today. The ink seemed to be old too, probably as old as the book itself.

Sighing, I folded the paper and put it back in the book. I had emailed Oliver the day before asking if he had sent it and he had denied it, so I really had no idea who would send me such an expensive book. I set the book aside then changed out of my uniform and into a comfortable pair of sweats.

I laid back in my rack, thinking of the images in the books, so beautiful and unlike anything I had ever seen before. As I dozed off, I fell into an enchanting dream. I was in an old looking house, seated next to a pretty girl. She was laughing at something a silver haired man said, but I couldn't make out what they were discussing.

The girl turned to me, asking me how I was feeling about everything. I shook my head indicating I didn't understand what she was referring to. The girl patted my hand, reassuring me that everything would be okay.

The door behind me opened and I heard a voice, the most captivating voice I had ever had the privilege to hear. I couldn't make out what he was saying and all I understood was my name. He had come over to me, placing his hands on my shoulder and leaning down to kiss my cheek and whisper in my ear. As I turned to see his face, I was jolted awake by my alarm clock, blaring in my ear.

I sat up straight, wiping the remaining sleep from my eyes, still caught up in what I had dreamed about. The voice that had whispered in my ear had caused a flame of arousal to build up, without even seeing his face. Although I wanted to sink back into the dream and see the owner of that melodious voice, I forced myself to get up. I grabbed my shower supplies and headed towards the showers, hoping they would be empty. As one of five female officers on the ship, we were lucky to have the head to ourselves.

The other female officers were kind and polite, but I was not in the mood to socialize this morning. I wanted to keep the memory of that voice in my head a little bit longer. When I arrived to the showers, they were blessedly empty, allowing me the quiet I craved. I quickly showered, cursing the weak water pressure then slipped on uniform. It was definitely one of the things I had missed about home. The condo I leased had a huge glass brick encased walk in shower and the pressure that came from the showerhead was heavenly. The water pressure on the ship was a far cry from that little luxury.

I pulled my hair back into a bun then applied a translucent powder and a touch of mascara. I didn't bother with too much makeup, but the powder helped to hide the shininess of my skin and the mascara darkened my light lashes. I slicked on a tinted lip balm and was ready to go. I grabbed my laundry bag, stuffing my dirty clothes and wet towel in it then zipped it shut. As I made my way back to my quarters, I dropped my clothes off in the laundry even though someone usually came around to pick up the bags. Since I was down here anyways, I figured I might as well just get it done.

Pied Piper: Book 2 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jungkook X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now