Blossoms of Love

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This is a Hanahaki AU. Who is this ship of, might you ask? Jaime and Bart. Who is being affected by this deadly flower disease? Our dear little time traveler. Jaime has a girlfriend and is blind to how his best friend feels about him. Bart tries to hide his sickness from Blue. Will the Scarab notice and notify Jaime or will Bart suffer until his final breath?

3rd person's POV

Ever since Bart had come to the past, he had grown close to the younger heroes from the past. One hero in particular has become a favorite of his - as well as his closest friend. Bart would tend to try to hang out with Jaime whenever he could. He absolutely adored the past hero, and his feelings developed to become more than just seeing him as a friend. Bart wished he was something more to Jaime.

He was never one that got close to people in his time, but he didn't like that feeling. He didn't want to be alone anymore. He stayed by his first friend and learned about the world he was stuck in. Jaime was not only Bart's first real friend, but Bart's first crush as well. Bart wished for nothing more than to be with Jaime, however, Jaime had a girlfriend.

There was nothing wrong with Jaime's girlfriend. She was a sweet girl, but every time that Jaime went to do something with her instead of Bart, Bart felt jealous. Bart knew that Jaime was nothing more than just a friend to him.

One morning, Bart woke up and his chest felt tight and it hurt to breathe. He decided to try to ignore it because he knew that if you was feeling unwell, his body would recover really quickly. It was one of the perks of being a speedster. Every once in a while, Bart would cough. Once again he ignored it. It wasn't until he coughed up blood in his mouth that he began to question if he truly was okay.

Maybe he needed to talk to someone about this. He started to wonder if he should go to a doctor or his family. He decided that he should talk to Wally about this. He found his favorite cousin and talked to him about it.

Wally frowned. "This is really uncommon for speedsters like us because of our fast healing. However, there is a sickness that affects everyone. Including us. It's called the Hanahaki disease."

"Oh, I have heard of that. There's a cure. Can't you just give me that?"

"Bart, the only cure We have currently is for you to get surgery to remove it. But in doing so there are side effects."

"What? In my time, it's just a shot and it kills the plant inside. There are no side effects. What are the side effects anyway?"

"Well, for one thing you won't be able to feel love for that person ever again. If you have the surgery anyway. The only cure for it that isn't surgical would be if that person loved you back."

Bart stared at his cousin. He wouldn't have feelings for Jaime anymore, but did he really want that? If he didn't have his feelings for Jaime anymore, then he might not want to hang out with his best friend anymore. He might become lonely again. Bart did not want that.

"No. I don't want to get the surgery. Plus we aren't even sure if it is that disease."

"Burnt, you literally told me to start coughing up blood, and you woke up with a tight chest and had trouble breathing. Those are early symptoms of the disease. And considering that we are speedsters, we don't really get sick that often. We should at least check this out."

Bart sighed. His cousin might be right. He started to cough again and Wally looked at him with concern. Bart held up a hand. "I'm fine. I'll be fine."

Wally gave Bart a look and Bart realized that he probably should get a doctor to look at him just to ease his cousin's mind. He decided to keep this a secret from the rest of the team and ask Wally to do the same. His cousin agreed to keep it a secret, but he did tell Barry about it. After all, Barry was the one that needed to take them to the hospital so he could get tested.

After a few hours of testing the doctors told him that he would have the results in a few hours to days. Bart nodded, and decided to make sure everything stayed normal.

He hung out with Jaime and waited for his results. He hoped and prayed that it was false and this was something else. He didn't want to get the surgery because he loved Jaime too much. He wished he could admit it to the Beatle hero himself, but he just couldn't bring himself to.

Bart looked over at Jaime while the team was at the lounge area of the cave. Jaime was talking to Cassie and Tim and started laughing. Bart felt himself blush And he started to cough.

This felt different than earlier to Bart. His chest felt tighter, and he couldn't breathe at all. He covered his mouth with his hand and felt a warm liquid. Blood. However, something else was in this liquid. He slowly uncovered his mouth and saw rose petals.

"Bart? Are you okay?"

The voice of the one he loved was heard behind him. 'oh no.'

A/N: I was out all day today and didn't have time to really work on this, so I'm splitting this up into two parts because I should have more time tomorrow, should and will or two different things, but I will finish this tomorrow and just keep it as two parts. I like this idea enough that I might make a full story out of it, but I am not sure. Either way, I needed to make sure I got something out for today, so I don't mind splitting this up into two parts. Anyway, have a good day.


Posted: 12/28/29

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