Sick Days

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Jaime falls ill, and still continues going on missions. He pretends everything is fine, even with him feeling terribly sick. He wants to make sure he is useful to his team more than he wants to care for himself.

Jaime's POV

I woke up with a splitting headache. My head was throbbing and I couldn't think straight. I forced myself to get out of bed and change. My body really didn't want to leave the comfort of my bed.

I checked my phone to see if I got any messages. There doesn't appear to be any messages from my friends, but I do see a mission alert. It wasn't too long ago, so I decided to head to the cave.

'Jaime Reyes, I do not suggest going to the other heroes. You do not appear to be well.' Scarab tells me.

"I'm fine, Scarab. Plus, they need me on this mission." I tell the alien device. He says nothing more and I head to the cave. On my way there, I ended up taking off my hoodie as it was getting really hot.

I watched Nightwing give a debriefing of what the mission was about. I could barely pay attention. I started to get lost in my own thoughts when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I get startled and I look over and see Bart by my side. He looked concerned. "You good buddy?"

"Uh, yeah, why?"

"Well, it's just, your face is kind of flushed and You've kind of zoned out on the briefing."

"I'm fine. Are we going to head out now?"

Bart eyes me skeptically, but nods his head. I follow the speedster and the rest of the team going on the mission to bioship. I was still unsure what the mission was about, but most missions are easy to pick up on. Plus, most missions never go according to plan. We always improvise.

Once we got on Bioship, it was no longer extremely hot, Rather it was extremely cold. I put my jacket back on and I leaned back into my seat. I could feel someone's gaze land upon me. I ignored that feeling and I could tell my body was shaking. It was so cold. I could hear voices, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Jaime?" A loud, yet concerned, sounding voice spoke my name. I look over and once again it's the time traveling speedster.

"Y-yeah, Bart?"

"I was talking with the others, and are you sure you are up for this? You really don't look like you are well. It's okay if you need to stay back."

"I told you, I'm fine. It's just cold. I'm just cold. That's all. I'll be fine."

"Look, any other day, I would believe you. However, I have never seen you look this bad. You are sweating, and you are shivering. Aren't those clear signs of a fever and a cold sweat? I think you are sick. I don't think you should be on this mission."

"Bart, I'm fine." Truthfully, I was not, but I wasn't going to let him know that. I don't need him to worry. I turned my head from him and tried to ignore this aching feeling from my body.

The next few hours went by in a flash. I found myself asleep, and then I was woken up by Cassie. I guess she is on this mission with us. I didn't even notice. I see her look at me with concern, but I continue to ignore it. I then suit up in my blue beetle armor and follow my group.

My headache had come back, and it felt worse than this morning. I stopped for a moment. Everything hurt, I kept feeling warm and then cool, hot and then cold. I couldn't even breathe that well either. I needed to ignore this feeling, I was on a mission for crying out loud. I took a few more steps before collapsing. I could hear my name being called, but I couldn't figure out whose voice It was from. I felt myself slipping to darkness and I welcomed it.

When I awoke, I saw I was in my own bed. I felt better. Maybe I had only dreamed of being unwell. I sighed and looked over toward my nightstand only to see Bart sitting in a chair fast asleep. For one thing, what was he doing in my room? And for another, why was he here?

"Bart? Wake up."

The speedster woke up pretty quickly and when he saw me awake, he smiled. " Hey, how are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. What are you doing in my house?"

"Well, after you passed out from your fever, I brought you to bioship and she took us home. Well to your home, I stayed. I was worried about you. You should have told us you weren't feeling well. You could have been hurt out there. Nightwing says you are allowed to come back and tell you are fully recovered. You've been asleep for a few hours now. You woke up a few times, and let's just say, the fever made you say some interesting things. I don't think you remember any of them, so I won't bother. I did give you some medicine, and I guess it helped. You don't look like you have a fever anymore. Even though you are feeling better, you should probably stay off your feet for a little bit. I'll come visit you again later, I need to get home. See you, bro."

Bart left with a smile. I guess I really did get sick and I guess I never dreamed any of that. It all happened. I guess Bart was right. I should have said something when I wasn't feeling great. Scarab was right as well. "Hey Scarab."

'Yes, Jaime Reyes?'

"Next time you tell me I'm not feeling well, or if I say I'm not feeling well, do everything in your ability to keep me home. I should have listened to you from the start."

'At least that is what they make it agree on. I will hold up my end of the bargain and make sure you stay home when you are under an earthling illness.'

I laugh at his statement. I still don't feel one hundred percent better So I decided to head back to sleep. I'll apologize to my team for making them worry tomorrow.

A/N: Yes, This one was short. I didn't want to write one too long today. You can expect some longer ones in the next few chapters because break is about to start for me so I will have a bit more time to focus on the one shots. I do have some planned out that will take time to write, and I will use this time from my break to give you some good one shots that aren't too short, but are too long. See you tomorrow.


Posted: 12/19/2021

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