Cooking Lessons with Jason

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I have a headcanon that Jason learned how to cook from Alfred and he is a wizard in the kitchen. So a little story dealing with that.

Roy's POV

I was staying over at Jason's place for the weekend and I have to say that it was an interesting stay. After he had left Bruce's mansion, he got himself his own apartment. I wanted to move out of my house as well, so I asked if he was looking for a roommate and he said that he would only be roommates with someone he knew. So I moved in the following week.

Something I found out about Jason since living with him. He sleep talks. He talks about what I can only assume was his dream. Some of them sound like memories. I try not to listen because it is a little invasive. But it's strange. I did not think he talked in his sleep.

Another thing I found out is that he wakes up really early. Even earlier than I wake up and I wake up before the sun rises. He wakes up at like 4:00 in the morning. I wake up at like 7:00.

Another thing I've noticed is the fact that sometimes he'll wake up and won't even realize where he is. He just wakes up and I am pretty sure I almost got a knife thrown to my head.

I think he is still dealing with the trauma that was inflicted upon him. I hope I can help him the best I can.

One morning, I woke up to a strange yet interesting smell. I walked into the kitchen and found Jason over the stove. I didn't even know he knew how to cook. I didn't think he even knew what most of the tools were. I knew he was great with weapons, but in the kitchen? That seems sketchy. I don't think I should eat any of his food.

He noticed that I had entered the kitchen and his eyes narrowed at me. "Either you are here to help, or you stay out of the kitchen."

Well this was new. I knew he had a bossy side to him, but he only gave me two options. Help or leave. I don't know how to cook that well. Oliver has been telling me I should learn how to, but I rather work on my archery skills. I decided to leave the kitchen.

Later, when Jason comes out of the kitchen, he has two plates with him. He gives me one and sits down with the other. It looked like an omelet, and then there was also this interesting looking bread dish I had no idea what it was. I looked at Jason, and he was just casually eating it. I tried it, and it was really good.

*Dude, what is this?"

He looks over at me and looks at what I am pointing at. "That would be crème brûlée French toast."

I had never heard of that before. It sounded really cool, and it tasted amazing. It wasn't too chewy like a lot of French toast is like, rather it was fluffy and sweet. The omelette was also really good, but I've had omelets many times before. The creme brulee French toast was amazing.

"Okay, why didn't you tell me you could cook? Also, do you think you could teach me?"

Jason stared at me. "Oh, well, Alfred taught me to cook when I was living with Bruce. Every cooking skill I have comes from the old butler. As for teaching you, I don't think you want me to teach you."

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad"

It was that bad. Jason becomes a nightmare in the kitchen. Every single thing had to be correct. It was like I was on Hell's kitchen but 10 times worse. Yes, I will say it. He is worse than Gordon Ramsay. He also took over every single thing I was doing. I know I asked him to teach me how to cook, but this was insane.

After about a week, I was just about done. I was tired of being yelled at, having him be picky about every single preparation I did. I was just tired of it. I no longer cared if I learned how to cook or not.

One morning, I found Jason was not in the kitchen for once. I knew he was out late, so maybe he was still sleeping. I shrugged and decided to try and make him breakfast for once. Without him on my shoulder.

I decided to make some Spanish eggs. It was one of the only recipes I could actually remember this early in the morning. It's a good thing that Jason likes to cook because we have all of the ingredients just sitting around. Seriously, this man needs to get a hobby, or at least a different one. You really get to know someone when you start living with them.

By the time I was done, Jason had woken up and walked into the kitchen. I was getting ready to get yelled at for being in the kitchen without him there because apparently the kitchen is his territory / domain, But it never came. Instead, he looked over my shoulder took a fork ate some of the egg and smiled.

"Not bad. You just put a little too much salt, otherwise it's pretty good."

Jason left me alone after that. I was just stunned that Jason gave me a compliment for my cooking. I'm starting to get suspicious about that not being Jason, but that thought left my head rather quickly when he said that after we eat we were going to spar. Not just any spar, it was going to be with swords. I'm going to die. I guess this is what I get for going into Jason's kitchen.

A/N: I hope you guys like this little headcanon of mine. Honestly, I think that everyone in the bat house knows how to cook because of Alfred. But it's just Jason that I absolutely love the idea that he can cook like a master. He reminds me of Bakugou in the kitchen. Anyway, I couldn't write a lot today because I was in the car and I was going to my aunt's house. I'm going to be in the car again tomorrow. Hopefully I can get some more written and maybe pre-write some chapters considering I don't have that many days left. I should really not wait till the last minute. I have no time management. Anyway, have a good day.


Posted: 12/23/2021

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