Silas could get his license if he wanted, but he prefers either Lincoln or I to drive him so we can have one on one moments and make sure we're all comfortable with our developing relationship.

There haven't been any issues yet, save for a few arguments that never lasted long and we got over really quick.

"I'm so hungry," Silas says, and he does look ravenous.

Everyone else may go hungry tonight because he doesn't look in the mood to share any food.

"I think Lincoln is making some food," I say nonchalantly, because I want Silas to be surprised, so I don't want to act we're doing anything special.

Silas has never really celebrated his birthday so he just grins. "Good! As long as I can get something in my belly as soon as possible, I'm happy," Silas says, unlocking the door to the house and pushing it open.

"Lincoln?" Silas calls, because it's really dark in the house.

Then, all of our closest friends, which has grown to a bigger number over the past couple of months, jump out and yell surprise, making Silas shriek and leap back into my arms.

"Happy birthday!" several people call as all the lights are turned on, revealing balloons and streamers, and both the kitchen island and counter are covered in gifts and food.

"You... you guys did this for me?" Silas asks me, and his eyes are teary.

I hug him and Lincoln joins us, hugging Silas and then me.

"Of course we did," I tell him, walking into the kitchen. "You deserve a real birthday party."

Lincoln nods, a bright smirk on his face.

Lincoln turns on the speaker and plays background music while everyone begins to eat.

Silas makes a point of greeting all of his friends, but I notice him shying away from my parents and Lincoln's mom, who are conversing on the back porch under the heat lamp. He stays closer to the friends he's made through his program, including some of my superiors at the OSIU who helped Silas with his program.

Eventually, my mom and dad come inside and hug me, followed by Lincoln's mom who starts to go on about how nice the house look and how grateful she is that my parents raised such a good young man.

My mom and dad both chuckle and tell her that Lincoln turned out better.

"So, where's your other boyfriend?" my mom asks me, looking around the room. "I haven't met him yet, but I did see him when he walked in."

Silas is chatting with Leo and Beni, and Lincoln is rolling his eyes at something Jared said.

"I'll grab him," I say, walking over and grabbing Lincoln's and Silas' hands. "Come on, you two. My parents wanna meet Silas."

When we get over to them, Silas shyly holds his hand out.

"Hi, I'm Silas," he says, and Lincoln's mom shakes his head with a bright smile before my parents do the same.

"Happy birthday," my mom says. "It's nice to meet you. I can't believe my son didn't tell me he got a bonus boyfriend!"

I groan. "Mom, you were, like, super homophobic when I first came out. Forgive me for being a little bit anxious."

My mom sighs. "I know... I'm sorry, sweetheart. I was horrible," she says apologetically.

She didn't ever kick me out, but she did make little quips when I first came out and it kind of pushed me to move out as soon as possible.

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