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What they call you (and vice versa) -

Luther's: Spaceman, Spacer

Yours: Jane (i cant wait to see who gets it)


Diego's: Knifeboy

Yours: Baby


Allison's: Pretty

Yours: Cutie


Klaus': Teddy Bear (lol)

Yours: FOINE ('FINE' with an attitude haha)


Five's: Christopher, Chris (istfg at this point, im just coming up with random names i-)

Yours: Sweetie, Delores (XD)


Ben's: King, Boo, Ghost Boy

Yours: Mrs. Kraken, Lady Boo


Vanya's: Love, Darling

Yours: Babe


Sissy's: Babe, baby

Yours: Sweetie


Lila's: Berry (o.o)

Yours: Cutie

The Umbrella Academy Preferences and ScenesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ