Dance?《Chapter 21》

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Warning: contains mention of rape!


Bakugou payed the man, as the man gave you and him separate nets.

You held the net tightly, as you dipped it in slowly, keeping it near the surface. Bakugou smirked, feeling confident he'd get more fish then you could.


"Ha!" he smirked proudly, having a bag full of fish, meanwhile you had a bag filled with only about 5 fish.

"you really are competitive, aren't ya?" you asked, noticing the wide smirk on his lips.

"come on" he once again dragged you towards a stall.

The whole plan was for you to show him a fun time playing game's. Instead, it seemed like this whole day would just become Bakugou dragging you to different activates like a child.

Although it was quite funny, you were glad you'd get to see this side of him. The gaint Smirk on his face, was different then the other smirks he had on. These were more proud, and filled of excitement.

You snapped out of your thought's as soon as he stoped, keeping his grip on your wrist as you looked at the stall.

"really? an archery game?" you looked at him with a half smirk.

"you know I'll win with better aim" you added.

"as if! I've been doing archery snice i was 5!" he protested proudly.

"alright then" you sighed.

"here" Bakugou set down gold coins on the counter, as they man took them, before handing you and Bakugou the bows and Arrows.

You raised your arms, keeping your elbows up as you steadyed your aim from afar. You take in a deep breath, before letting the arrow go, shooting it and just barley missing the center.

You looked over at Bakugou who smirked, knowing you were watching him as he readied his bow. Once ready, he let it glide across the air, before eventually hitting the center of the target.

He looked at you, his smirk staying glued onto his face.

"come on, we still have more tries" you playfully rolled your eye's as you readied your next bow.


The rest of the day went by, now leading to the dark, star filled sky.

The whole time, for hours Bakugou had been dragging you to play different actives with him, along with eating a few foods and candy for break's, before actually needing a break, such as a Bathroom break.

You looked up, seeing the stars in the sky as they shined brightly. It had been dark outside for hour's already, being way past anyone's bedtime.

Then, you looked down, seeing Bakugou's hand wrapped around your wrist as he dragged you towards some empty benches. You were a bit tired from the game's, so he decided to take a break from them and relax on some benches for the time being.

"it was pretty obvious your the competitive type, but i didn't think you'd be that competitive" you chuckled.

"i only settle for the best" he smirked.

"of course you do" you playfully rolled your eye's.

Bakugou stared at you, as he watched you laugh and smile for hour's. It was different from your normal expression or personality, getting to see you in a different light. He kinda liked seeing you happy.

Not What You Think~ (bakugou x fem reader/fantasy A.U)Where stories live. Discover now