"lovely day huh?." I said trying to avoid the whole engagment converstation.

"How did you met her?." She said completely ignoring my question from before.

I gave up and instead just tried to see where he wanted to go with this. "I met Astoria since we were kids and we go to the same school, but I distanced myself from her. Then after I thought you wwere dead she reached out to me and supported me through the rough time. Little by little I realized I was falling for her." I sigh and look up at her. "But I still have feelings for you as well, so I'm in between both of you."

Ashley sits up and tilts her head, "Then I'll make it easy for you, let's just remain as friends. After all your engaged and I'm not going to break off something special."

I feel heart broken but shes right, I'm an engaged man now and that would break Astoria. I rather have her as a friend then completley shut out of my life. Either way I will still have a special place for her in my heart. "That's fine."

"I hope eveyrthing goes well, but I don't recall a girl who goes by that name." she asked curiously

"That's because she isnt in the same house we got sorted into, she a Gryffindor." It must be weird for her to think I'm going out with someone that's in the same house of people I couldnt stand back then.

"Is she a pureblood?." she said bluntly.

Her question made me feel thrown off guard. I stayed quiet for a moment not sure why she would ask such a question. "Yes, comes from the Greengrass family."

Ashley smiles and contuines eating.

I couldn't stand weird vibe I was getting off her. It's not that I'm mad at her question, which I'm really not mad at all. "If you exucse me I gotta go now, I just came to check up on you." I get up and walk back inside the manor.

I see Matteo has been watching us all along at the doorway. When I get to the door way I turn over to see Ashley minding her own busines. I grab Matteo's arm and pull him inside so we won't be seen by her. "There's soemthing off of her."

Matteo leans on the wall and chuckles, "She's fine, I see that shes acting quiet just like ANY other person would do during grieving."

Matteo probably thinks I'm crazy now. I keep insiting but he jsut brushes me off and tells me that it's nonsense. By then I know I'm just waiting my time trying to convince Matteo. "Maybe your right." But her strange behavoir worries me still.

I walk out of the mannor, "I'll come by next week."
and I get inside the car.

Matteo's POV~

I walk back to the yard and see that Ashley is gone. I ran to the corner and see her walking with Max.

I find it very strange that I saw him walk out of my room and that now all of the sudden these two are getting along.

I begin to reconsider what Draco said to me but I snap out of it. It's nothing but nonsense. Or maybe he's just saying that to take Ashley away from me.

I think it's time his fiancé knows about this.

I walk back inside and head into my office. I grab a parchment quilt and a pen and write down.

Once I'm done I hand it over to the owl, "Astoria Greengrass."

Maybe I'm not doing the right thing but I can't do anything about it now. I see Max walk by and I call out for him.

"Yes?." He says while walking into my office.

"What were you doing in my room last night?." I said bluntly.

The Grindelwald'sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon