23- A cup of coffee for the soul

Start from the beginning

"Well, shall we start ?" He smiled at her politely. 

"Yeah, this is what we are here for." The maiden answered, a chuckle passing her lips, the sound greeting the man's ears like tinkling bells. 

She slid the graded essay over to him, waiting for any kind of commentary on the form or content. They both looked at the written lines, the female frowning.

"Your essay could have been excellent, really. But you lack precision in your arguments, this is a major issue. Then some examples could have been developed further to complete your reflection." The man explained softly, gazing at her every once in a while to make sure she listened to his advice. Not that she needed them anyways. They were all made up to serve his greater purpose. 

She drank in his words, nodding lightly. "Yeah, I see what you're getting at." She read over her writing, overcritical. 

They spent some time like this. Her silently scanning over her work and him pointing out things she could have done better, bathing in her warmth. After their small session the male observed her, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in his seat. 

"What do you want to do (Y/n) ? After your studies, I mean." He knew the answer already, but she didn't know that. 

Without looking up from her papers the female answered, "I want to open a bakery." The softest of smiles greeted her lips at those words. She had everything planned out already, from the menu to the curtains she'd hang on the windows. She could just picture the cosy shop, tables and chairs in all corners of the room, mismatched cups for teas and nice porcelain plates for food. 

Ren nodded, a kind smile adorning his lips. "This is a very nice project. I'm sure you'll get there one day." And of course, he'd help her. After all, what good was his father's inheritance if he couldn't use it to please the love of his life ? Just like (Y/n) had her small bakery all planned out, Ren had their life together precisely designed in his mind. 

He'd take over his father's company, like he had always been expected to and once (Y/n) graduated they'd be able to be together, assuming she would have fallen for him by then. But Ren would make sure of that. She had loved him once, she'd love him again. And as a token of his love for her he'd offer her  the nice vacant shop in the corner of Helm Street, which would be a perfect place for a bakery. They'd have a nice penthouse in the neighbourhood, a cat or maybe two and the embrace of one another. 

He couldn't wait to finally hold her in his arms, kiss her brow with all the adoration he had repressed for so long. 

She looked at him, a warm and thankful smile adorning her lips, his heart swelling dangerously in his chest. Gosh, what she did to him. "Thanks. I am working on it." 

He gazes at her softly, taking a sip of his coffee before thinking of another subject to enhance their relationship. 

"And, I'm sorry to bring this up, but I was wondering, are you and Ken close ?" He queried.

Although taken aback, (Y/n) soon answered. After all they were siblings. Considering how overprotective Yuu was of her, Ren's question was probably legitimate. Maybe this was an older sibling thing. 

"We're good friends. He's probably the sweetest boy I've ever met too." A soft smile graced her lips at the thought of the shy black haired male. 

The older man nodded, processing her words, conflicted. Of course he was happy for his brother to have such an amazing friend as (Y/n). But he also worried that this relationship would only spur Ken's crush on. And if so he'd have to break his brother's heart once again. Because one thing was for sure, Ren wasn't giving up on (Y/n), even for his sibling. He had given enough already. 

Yes, the more he thought about it the more of a pain this friendship seemed. Nothing he couldn't control though. He'd just have to keep a close eye on the younger male. Maybe a quick visit to his mother and brother would be a nice idea. 

"Good. Thanks for being here for him. It means a lot to him, and me." He offered her a gentle gaze, loving the way her cheeks heated up ever so slightly at the gesture. He knew this didn't mean she had suddenly developed feelings for him, but this at least meant she found him attractive. 

"And you've seemed really happy lately, that's nice to see." He internally cringed at the thought of the green haired female. The girl who had dared to kiss his darling, the girl who had just waltzed in *to their life and made his attempt to woo (Y/n) more difficult. Though for her he'd take on any challenge fate threw his way.

He remained silent, observing her intently to invite her to continue and clarify. She fidgeted nervously, an endearing blush spreading over her cheekbones. How he longed to be the cause of such a reaction. 

(Y/n) gazed down at her intertwined hands, trying to escape from the male's inquisitive stare. 

"Yes, I met someone. She's amazing." The girl answered evasively, not really ready to display her relationship like that. And so she decided to change the subject. "Now that we're at it I also wanted to apologise." 

Ren's eyes widened lightly before he frowned curiously. No matter how much he thought about it he couldn't see anything (Y/n) would have done worth apologising for. "What for ?" 

"Well, I wasn't easy as a kid. I had a crush on you and wasn't exactly subtle about it, this must have been really embarrassing and weird for you. I'm sorry." She explained clearly, enlightening the dark haired male. 

Ren repressed a smirk. If only she knew...

"You have nothing to apologise for." He sent her a kind smile, hands itching to grab her own and reassure her. "And to be honest, it was actually cute... And really flattering." He concluded truthfully, still smiling as kindly as before. 

Indeed, (Y/n) had been the first one to see him for who he was. She had loved him when no one had, she had shown him affection when his very own father had stripped him of any parental love. She had been there when no one had. 

The female returned a shy smile, nodding her head. A weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Maybe now she'd finally be able to look at him in the eyes without shame swallowing her whole. Maybe now, they could start afresh, as teacher and student... And as friends. 

A/N :

Hello dear readers,

I am really sorry for not updating sooner. I've been really caught up with work and my mental health. I have more time now though and things are looking up again, so updates will be more frequent. 

I hope this chapter was enjoyable ! 

Have a nice day and take care. 

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