White Maid One Shot #9

Start from the beginning

Aurora nodded slowly and leaned back against the pillows. Sebastian frowned noticing the sweat on her brow. "I'm sorry mon amour," she murmured, reaching up a hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead. "I'm afraid I won't be much fun today." Sebastian frowned and climbed off her, standing beside the bed, "I understand, my darling. I will inform the young master that you are-" Aurora cut him off, "I'm sure I can work Sebastian. Just... nothing too intense, alright?" Sebastian frowned, "You are certain?" Aurora nodded, "Yes, of course." He offered her his hand and helped her up, watching her skip over to the wardrobe and grab her maid uniform. He frowned and picked up the corset from the vanity. He moved behind her and tied the corset. His mate gave a soft squeak of pain as he put it on. He stopped, "Angel?" Aurora winced, "Sorry. It just hurt." Sebastian frowned, "It doesn't usually hurt, I did it as I always do." Aurora looked at herself in the mirror and hummed, "Oh. Maybe I've just put on a few pounds then." Sebastian scoffed, "Impossible. I would have noticed." Aurora hummed, "You are sweet, mon cher." She leaned back into his chest and tilted her head up to press a quick kiss his jawline. "I'll be fine. If I need anything I'll let you know." Sebastian hummed, "I'd actually prefer you stay by me today if you are unwell." Aurora smirked, "While I would love to be your shadow, Sebastian, I don't think Ciel would take to kindly if I shirked my duties." Sebastian sighed, "Very well. But do ensure you cross paths with me during the day." Aurora nodded, "I will."

A few hours later, Sebastian passed by the kitchen where Aurora was helping Bardroy with the evenings dessert and dinner. He frowned noticing the clothespin on her nose. "Darling?" He asked confused, "Might I ask why there is a clothespin on your nose?" Bardroy answered for her, "She says the food smells too pungent. She felt sick when I started making the food." Sebastian frowned and walked over to try the stew Bard was making. "It smells and tastes fine to me," he said. He glanced at his mate with a worried frown, "Aurora, maybe you should go lie down." Aurora shook her head, "I'm fine Sebastian. Honest!" Her voice was a bit slurred and nasally by the clothespin on her nose. Sebastian walked over and plucked the thing off her nose, "If the scent of the food bothers you so, perhaps you should try helping Mey-Rin with the laundry?" Aurora sighed and nodded. "I suppose you might be right." She made a face suddenly and clamped her hands over her nose. "How does that food not smell bad to you?! It's sickening!" Her voice came out in a whine and Sebastian sighed, gently directing her towards the door. "Go on, love. Go help Mey-Rin with the laundry." Aurora sighed, "Don't have to tell me twice!" She rushed out of the room and Sebastian shook his head.

"I simply don't know what is wrong with her today..." Bard shrugged, "You're tellin' me! She made me switch to the stew because she couldn't stand the smell of the pork roast! And don't even get me started on when Finny came in here with her, she was bawling about somethin'." The door creaked open and Finny walked in. "Huh? Did I hear my name?" He asked sheepishly. Sebastian frowned, "What is this Bard tells me about you bringing Aurora inside earlier?" Finny looked a little weirded out and concerned. "Yeah! We were in the garden talking and then suddenly she started bawling about how she was fat an' ugly and the roses were prettier than she'd ever be." He shuddered, "I didn't know what to do so i brought her here cause I know she likes to cook." Bard frowned, "She calmed down almost immediately and snapped at me that the roast was bad cause it reeked. Think she woulda killed me if I didn't switch to the stew." Sebastian looked perplexed. Then the door opened and Mey-Rin came inside. "Uh, Mister Sebastian?" Sebastian sighed, "Goodness, now what?" he muttered under his breath before turning to glance at the maid, "Yes, Mey-Rin? What is it?" Mey-Rin twiddled her thumbs. "Aurora's out back. She's getting sick again." Then men in the room looked shocked. "Again?" They all said. 

Mey-Rin nodded slowly. "She got sick earlier. She told me not to tell you but she's sick again..." She glanced at the others, "What were you all saying about her anyways?" Bard piped up, "She's been actin' weird all day. Made me toss the roast cause she insisted it was bad. So now we're havin' stew for dinner." Finny nodded, "And then she just started crying in the garden that she was fat and that the roses were prettier than her." Finny sat down on a chair, "It just don't make sense, I tell you." Mey-Rin's eyes were wide. "She... What?" She gulped. "A if you don't mind Mister Sebastian, you and Aurora..." She trailed off, blushing. Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "Yes?" Mey-Rin stammered a bit, "Have you and Aurora been... intimate?" Sebastian thought for a moment, unsure of how to answer. But he slowly gave a nod of his head. Mey-Rin sighed, "Well. That might be the reason." Sebastian furrowed his brow, "What? She is ill because of our intimacy? She couldn't have tired of me that quickly." Mey-Rin blushed and shook her head. "I would see about going to a doctor, Sebastian." She now spoke in her commanding assassin voice, surprising the others in the room. Sebastian's clueless look made her say exactly what she thought.

"She could be pregnant."


Then all hell broke lose and Sebastian almost lost his composure. He was standing straight as an arrow, his raven hair in his eyes and his pupils dilated. Of course. How could he not see it before? He supposed he had become so accustomed to Lilli telling him he was infertile he had just forgotten his seed would indeed supply offspring. Therefore it was entirely possible for Aurora Magné-Michaelis to be with child. Sebastian quickly left the room and went back to his own where he found Aurora getting out of the bath. She looked over at him and he noticed the sick expression on her face immediately. He stared at her for a few moments. "Well?" Aurora asked snarkily, "Did you need something, Sebastian?" Sebastian bit his tongue and then blurted it out. "You're pregnant." Aurora looked shocked. "What?" Sebastian repeated himself, a little more composed this time. "You're with child. Are you not?" Aurora stared at him. "What makes you think that?" She asked slowly. Sebastian came over, "Well you've been ill all day, and Mey-Rin overheard us talking about you and your symptoms-" Aurora put a finger to his lips. "I'm sorry, us?" Sebastian nodded slowly. "The others also had concerns." Aurora's eyes flickered in amusement and she laughed. Sebastian stared at her in disbelief, "Darling- we discussed this, we aren't ready for a-" Aurora shook her head and stood on her toes to kiss him.

"Sebastian Michaelis, you are a blundering fool sometimes!" Sebastian stared at her. Aurora shook her head, "No. I'm not pregnant. So you can rest easy." Sebastian looked confused, "Then angel, what-?" Aurora looked a little embarrassed. "Alongside my monthly I might have a little cold from going to town with Lady Elizabeth the other day." Sebastian relaxed, "Oh thank goodness..." Aurora watched him slump down against the bed, relieved he wasn't about to become a father. He didn't notice the momentary grief in his mate's eyes that disappeared as soon as he looked in her direction. "Why don't you rest for the rest of the day, cheri? I'll bring you some soup to calm your stomach." Aurora nodded, sitting on her side of the bed and laying down with a yawn. "That sounds wonderful, mon amour." Sebastian smiled fondly at her and stood, bending down to kiss her before closing the drapes and then leaving her to rest. The moment he left, Aurora's smile fell. She lowered her hand to her abdomen and felt the spot where her child would have been. She hadn't stopped having nightmares about the loss of her and Sebastian's child. And she couldn't tell him about it, not yet. She didn't want to wound him.

"I told you you should have told him."

She glanced up and noticed the phosphorescent green eyes in the darkened corner of the bedroom belonging to the red grim reaper. The death scythe in the form of a chainsaw lay neatly beside them. Aurora squeezed her eyes shut to blink away the tears. "Not now Grelle... please. Not now." The red reaper's glowing green eyes softened a bit. "Do feel better soon, Angelica." Grelle made to leave but paused at the window. "And just so you know, it was not your fault." Aurora didn't answer as the reaper left.

She laid there in silence after Grelle left. A few hours later, the door opened and Sebastian entered with a sweet, loving smile on his face and a tray of hot soup and bread at hand. His mate smiled gratefully and took the food, eating it hungrily. He left her with a kiss on the cheek, and felt her forehead once more before leaving to check on the young master. Aurora's mood faltered every time he left. Her depression from losing the unknown child was strong. Strong enough that she almost didn't want to live. But then her mind would wander back to Sebastian. Malphas. Her mate. Her husband. Her lover. Mon amour. Tears began to fall down her cheeks. She wiped her eyes and her hand rested just above her uterus. She could no longer feel the faint pulse of an aura there. She'd felt it for barely a moment when the child was taken, but she'd felt it nonetheless. She rolled onto her side, facing away from the door. When Sebastian entered the room, she feigned sleep. She listened as he removed himself of his clothing and climbed into bed alongside her. She'd been in this depressed state for hours. She sighed as his arm wrapped around her, his fingers lacing with hers, and pulling her body close to his so he spooned her. He pressed a soft kiss to the crown of her head. "Goodnight, mon ange. Aurora smiled sadly. "Bonne nuit, mon démon... Je t'aime." Sebastian hummed and pulled her closer. Aurora curled into his arms, allowing her to feel secure in his embrace. While he was here, he would not let anything harm her. She had nothing to fear. He would sooner die than allow harm to befall her. And to kill a powerful demon such as her Malphas, would be near impossible.


Mon amour / my love

Mon ange/ my angel

Bonne nuit, mon démon / goodnight, my demon

Je t'aime / I love you

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