「 Chapter 9 」

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Ilèyn was squeezing her way behind Bilbo through a narrow passage, where she admired the fact that every dwarf had made it through, where they were at least three times as wide as she was, be it through muscle mass or through, as in Bombur's case..., other physical characteristics.
She noticed that even now she still didn't know all the names of the dwarves... maybe she should ask in a quiet minute.
No, just a moment. Seriously, what do you care what these coarse dwarfs were called? Ilèyn reminded herself not to lose sight of her task. Killing Thorin Oakenshield. That's what she was here for. Not to make useless dwarf friendships.
Glaring at the ground, the dwarf did not notice the group stop in front of her. Only as she ran into the person in front of her, Ilèyn also came to a stop. The dwarf in front of her turned indignantly. The red beard obscured most of his face, but his eyes glared at Ilèyn.
"Sorry." she growled.
Without a reaction, the dwarf turned around again and stepped forward, towards the light. Ilèyn followed him and lolled over the shoulders of her companion.
A wide, great valley stretched before their eyes. A valley lined with tree-covered rocks, which were repeatedly interrupted by one of the countless waterfalls that rushed into the depths. The twittering of birds could be heard from all directions and in the midst of this idyll rose a white city with pointed roofs and playful facades.
Ilèyn knew exactly where they were.

"The Valley of Imladris." said Gandalf, "In the common tongue, it's known by another name."
"Rivendell." said the hobbit next to Ilèyn. Bilbo sounded dazed with fascination.
There was no fascination with Thorin's expression. Angry, he turned to the wizard.
"This was your plan all along." he said reproachfully to Gandalf, "to seek refuge with our enemy." The dwarf king almost sounded a little disappointed.
"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield." the wizard replied calmly. Ilèyn left the group, which had spread out on the ledge that protruded into the valley, and went to the edge of the ledge. Gradually she could no longer hear the constant discussions between the wizard and the dwarves. She urgently needed a plan to get out of this company as quickly as possible and collect the bounty at the same time. With every step she took with this group, she moved further and further away from her usual hunting grounds. Not that the areas in the east were completely unknown to her, no. She had traveled all of Middle-earth by now. Only she preferred to avoid the lands northeast of the Misty Mountains, which she had done pretty well so far.
Should this venture go northeast over the Misty Mountains, Ilèyn would have to think of a plan quickly, because it wasn't too far to get there.
At that moment Gandalf strode resolutely past Ilèyn, along the path that led to Rivendell. Obviously the wizard had won the battle of words with the dwarves, because they followed him quietly, while cursing elves.
Sighing, Ilèyn began to walk after the group, her thoughts still with her seemingly hopeless situation.
She was still in a place from which she could quickly and quietly disappear when the right moment came. It wasn't that far back from Rivendell to her hideout and she could start planning again.
Maybe she should just forget about the bounty... After all, she had no chance of hoping for success in such a large group. She had imagined it to be a little different.
Having taken the rocky path behind them, the company now reached a stone arch bridge, which led across to a forecourt, guarded by large statues depicting Elven warriors. Ilèyn was now walking next to the hobbit, who, still completely fascinated, looked around as if he were trying to save every impression, no matter how small.
The red-bearded dwarf just bumped into one of his comrades.
"Look out, Gloin!" latter complained loudly.

The wizard and some dwarfs reached the forecourt when a tall man with brown hair and high cheekbones came down the stairs to join them. He was dressed modestly for an elf.
"Lastannem i athrannedh i Vruinen." he greeted in a soft voice.
"Lindir!" The wizard stepped up to the Elf with a smile, "I must speak with Lord Elrond." he announced.
"My Lord Elrond is not here." it came from Lindir.
"Not here...?" asked Gandalf thoughtfully. "Where is he?"
The whole conversation was followed by the dwarves in an extremely disdainful manner. They stood close together in the round square and whispered to one another. Ilèyn stood a little to one side, near Gandalf, and listened carefully.
When suddenly a cutting horn sounded and Lindir's gaze fell past Gandalf in the direction of the bridge. Ilèyn followed his gaze and everyone else turned around.
A large group of horsemen appeared on the other side of the bridge and came straight towards Thorin and his companions. Ilèyn took a big step in the direction of the dwarves, where someone immediately grabbed her and pressed her in their midst.
"Close ranks!" ordered Thorin and the dwarves stood up in a circle, arms drawn and glared at those who came towards them.
Ilèyn in the middle tried to escape from the circle past the dwarves, but they were so close together that there was no escape for the bounty hunter.
The mounted elves had already reached the forecourt and began to surround the unexpected visitors, one warrior after another lowered his gaze to them as the circle grew narrower and narrower.
The dwarves growled and roared up at the elves as they stopped. Ilèyn turned her attention back to Gandalf, who was just being greeted by one of the riders.
"Gandalf!" The rider got off his steed with a swing.
"Lord Elrond." Gandalf bowed in greeting "Mellonnen! Mo evínedh?"
The warrior stood next to Gandalf while he took his sword from his belt "Farannem' lamhoth i udul o charad. Dagannem rim na Iant Vedui. " Elrond exchanged a meaningful look with Gandalf.
"Strange for orcs," he continued, "to come so close to our borders. Something or someone has drawn them near." The Elf passed his weapon to Lindir, who took it and bowed.
"Oh, that may have been us." Gandalf replied and Elrond turned to the company. His gaze fell immediately on Thorin, who looked up at the Elf suspiciously. He took a few steps towards the dwarf.
"Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain."
"I don't believe we have met." Thorin just gave back.
"You have your grandfather's bearing." Elrond eyed the dwarf more closely. "I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain."
"Indeed?" Thorin asked "He made mention of you."
The two looked at each other seriously for a moment, then Elrond picked up again to speak.
"Nartho i noer, toltho i viruvor. Boe i annam vann a nethail vin." he said. Gandalf looked gratefully at the Elf.
"What is he saying?" Ilèyn heard someone growling behind her. Gloin, the red-bearded dwarf pushed forward past her to Thorin "Does he offer us insult?"
"No, Master Gloin," Ilèyn quickly intervened. "He's offering you food." Now the puzzled looks of thirteen dwarfs, two elves, a hobbit and a wizard rested on her.
Damn it.
Elrond and Gandalf didn't seem as surprised as the rest that she understood exactly what they had been talking about. In contrast to the dwarfs. Gloin had already forgotten the reason for his excitement and Thorin gave her a scrutinizing look.
"How..." said the dwarf with the big hat.
"I travel a lot." she interrupted quickly and pierced him with an icy look. The group began to deliberate on the proposal made by Elrond. A short time later, Gloin turned back to the Elf.
"Well," he said, "if that case, lead on."

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