
Harry came back to room at around 5pm. We all went to our families today, we will spend Christmas at home.
"Yes Haz?"
"My parents came to pick me up, I'll miss you, so call or text me, ok?"
He came to me, to hug me. We hugged, when his lips were suddenly just inches away from mine. I looked on his lips. They looked so soft.
I wanted to kiss him so bad. So fucking bad.

Then I felt his hand in my hair, messing them up.
"Bye Lou and have a good Christmas!"
"Bye, Haz, and same about Christmas!"

My mum came at about 6pm.
We drove home, on our way we stopped at cafe.

At home I also finally saw my sisters. I had four sisters. Sometimes they were annoying, but I love them.

I also decided to come out to my mum. She didn't know about Cooper. But I will tell her once after Christmas.

It was afternoon on December 29th. We were watching some comedy on TV, twins were sleeping in their room.
"Mum? I have something to tell you"
"What it's it, sweetheart?" My mum asked
"So, um, please don't hate me for this, but I, like months ago, found out that I am, um, gay. I actually know this for longer, and um, yes, I told dad like 2 years ago, but now I am finally ready to tell you"

My mum's just a little shocked.
"I knew it, I knew, I said it to you, Felicite!" Lottie said with smile on her face.
"We still love you bro"

I looked at my mum.
"So, um, that's, unexpected. Is that why your dad moved out? He said that he need some space but the never came back. In this time he never talked to you. Louis, look, I am okay with that, just, I won't judge you, but please don't tell to everyone, I just-um,- I don't want that everyone would know"

I nodded and went back in room. I didn't feel like she totally accepted it.

Harry's pov

At third January we finally went back in school. I was so excited to see Louis. We were texting a lot when we were at home.

When I came to our room, he was already there, laying in my bed, curled up in a ball. He looked like he... Cried?

"Hey Lou, everything alright?"
"Look at me, please, Louis"
"Just look at me"

He turned in my direction. His eyes were red, he also looked like he didn't sleep for days.
"What's wrong, Lou?"
"I, I just came out to my mum, and yes, she said she will support me, but she sounded like she didn't mean it" he cried
"Ou, I am so sorry, Lou" I said,, sitting on bed next to him, giving him a hug.
"You know I will always support you"

Next day I should go out with Emma. Since Louis had to do some stuffs in town to, we went together to Caffe where was Emma supposed to wait on me. We were 30 minutes to early, so we decided to set on bench not far away (the Caffe was in park).

We talked about how we spent Christmas. He also told me about how exactly his mum reacted. I took his hand, I wanted to show him that I support him. I looked at him.
His lips are so close. I want to kiss him soo much. I want to feel his lips on mine.

I knew it maybe wasn't right but I pressed his lips on mine. He didn't pull away. He gave me kiss to.
Then I hear familiar voice. Emma's voice.

"Harry what the fuck?! You, did you just kissed a boy?!"
"You fucking faggot!!" She screamed. I looked down at my shoes.
The she turned to Louis.
"How dare you kissing my boyfriend. He is not a faggot like you, freak!"

Louis looked down at ground.

"He is not a faggot! No one is gonna call Louis a faggot! And if you wanna know, I kissed him!"
"So you were chatting on me, ha, why?! Are you rather with boy than me? I hate you!" She said, running away.

"I'm so sorry, Harry, I shouldn't"
"It's not your fault, Louis, it's okay, to be honest I didn't really like her"
"You didn't?"
"Not really?"
"Why did you then date her?"

Fuck. What am I supposed to say? 

"I, I don't know"
"Ah. Um, you are a good kisser, Harry" he said, blushing''

"So are you" I smiled.

"So I have some things to buy in shop now, wanna come with me?" He asked

When we came back in room it was about 8pm.
"Are you seriously not mad at me, because you broke up with Emma?" Louis again asked me, when he came from shower.
"No, I am not Lou, don't worry"
We laid in bed. It somehow became our habit to sleep together in his bed. 

There was a comfortable silence for few moments but then he pressed his lips on mine. Damn, how good feeling.

"What are we now, Harry?" He asked
"I don't know, Louis, I don't know" I said pressing kiss on his forehead.
He nodded.
I think he fell asleep, so I whispered 'i love you' in his hair, before I closed my eyes.

Louis' pov

Harry probably thought I am sleeping when he whispered 'i love you', but I didn't so I squeezed his hand and smiled. It was dark so he probably couldn't see smile, but I didn't care. I was thinking about both kisses today. I loved them. I loved Harry's lips, they were soft, and gentle and adictive.

Next day I woke up later then Harry. He left me note with saying that today his classes started earlier.

"Hi mate how was your Christmas?" Liam asked me, when I came in class. Zayn had different classes right now.

"I came out to my mum"
"How did she react?"
"Kinda okay, I guess"
"Ah. What about you and Harry? I heard he broke up with his girlfriend?"
"Yeah they did"
"Um, so, we kissed, and she saw us"
"You and Harry kissed?!" He almost screamed
"Yes, and please don't scream. Teacher will come any time now"
"Oh, yes sorry. Does he has feelings for you too?"
"I don't know, Liam. We didn't really talked about kiss then"
"Ah-" he wanted to say something but teacher entered.

Rest of day was really good. I decided to talk with Harry about us tonight, in our room.

When I entered the room, Harry was laying in my bed, just in his boxers. He looked so damn hot.

"Harry, i- I am so sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay Lou, but it's hot in room, so I am not fully dressed" he blushed. It made blush too.

"So, Harry, could we please talk about, what's happening between us?"
"Yeah, sure I guess''"
"It's okay, Haz"

"Okay, Harry, hope you won't hate me after this but, I l, um, i think i have, a, crush on you. I mean, I love you. I totally understand if you hate me know, you can change room it you-"
I felt his lips on mine. God, so good feeling.
"I love you too Louis" he whispered.
"Re- really?"
"Why would you love me? No one love me?"
"I do, Louis" he said, kissing me once again.
"Wanna go out on date later tonight?" He asked

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