Truth and Lies: Part 1: Who am I, really?

Start from the beginning

Leaning back in the chair I'm in, I look at the Camera, and, indirectly at least, at Japan. 

"I know who I am, what I've done. I'm not a psychopath, sociopath, or a murderer who kills just to kill. I killed Death Arms for a reason. I killed everyone for a reason........but that's beside the point, for this video, at least. I'm here to talk about me, and my mission." I sigh, as I look deep into the Camera. 

"As I said before, my name is Гнев. It means Wrath, in Russian. I know many of you watching think that it's just for a fear factor, and while it was somewhat for that, it also held different purpose. My partially my motivation. Wrath. Usually considered a sin......I see it as my grace, in a way." I mutter, and then look in the camera. 

"Anger is a poison...........but I guess I'm immune. I know what my anger can do, and what is has done. But it's not born out of nothing. I was wronged, and it's not something like 'I was bullied'. Not that I wasn't......But more so that I was nearly killed for trying to help someone. Correct me if I'm wrong.....but you usually get thanks for helping someone in need, not a death sentence. But that's besides the point. I was told I couldn't be a hero by this person, and to be entirely fair, it turns out he was right. I'm, clearly, not a hero." I chuckle, spreading my arms. 

"But........I know many of you must be wondering......'What kind of quirk must this asshole have to be able to kill Death Arms?'. Super Strength? I'm strong, but not that strong. Super Speed? Heh....I wish. Enhanced Intelligence? I'm not Nezu...... Enhanced Durability? Nope. I'll let you in on a little secret. I ain't got one." I smirk, and then pause for a second. 

"I know, right? Big shock! One of the more dangerous vigilantes.....quirkless!" I cry, letting a bit of insane laughter leak from my tone. 

"What a sick joke to many of you. 'A quirkless kid was able to kill a hero. What has the world come too?' Huh....funny thing about that. The quirkless people? The people like me? Guess what? They built the world we live in today. Electricity? Discovered by a quirkless person. Guns? Invented by a Quirkless. Japan? Founded by quirkless people. We aren't less, we're just different." I say, holding up the Makrov, and pulling slide off, and then field-stripping the weapon. 

"This weapon, right here, is what killed Death Arms. A Russian Makarov. Fires a 9x18. 7 round clip, one in the chamber. You can kill eight penguins, or one pro with it. Point being.........pros are still human. They still bleed, they still feel pain, they still cry, they still die." I say, emphasizing the last two words. 

"That's why I do what I do. It's not to cause destruction, to cause death. I'm going to become a vigilante or villain so famous, the heroes can't cover me up, wash me away because it was a dark spot. I'm going to become All Might of Vigilante or Villains. I will do that. And if it's by putting heroes in their be it. I will fight anyone or anything in path, kill them if need be. You can Stain. Or Ms. Joke. She was there. Endeavor too. He saw me. Ingenium. He chased me. Oh.....and by the way...........I want to give my condolences to the family of Black Tiger. While not a perfect person, he was better than many, and deserved a chance to live. I know that's probably a bit insulting to some, but he didn't deserve death at the hands of Stain." I look over at the TV, which is still has me on it. 

"I.......before I log off, I want to say a few more things. First, to all you quirkless kids. You are not worse than any of your peers. Don't let the voices get to you like they did to me. I thought myself useless, worthless, just a piece of trash in this world. You are not. You are a human, and that alone gives you worth. No matter what your peers, teachers, authority figures, soceity, or hell, even heroes, tell you, you are more than all of them. Because you are in the world without the powers they have. They rely on their quirks......and it makes them weak." I say, smiling under my mask. 

"Second, to all you heroes-in-training. I pray you aren't what Death Arms was. I hope you are actually good people, and not just bullies who decided to try to become untouchable. Because, clearly, you are not. I will hunt you down if you try shit when you become pros. And I have no issue with doing so. try to stay on the right side of the law." I smirk, and then take in a deep breath as I reassemble my pistol, pulling the slide back. 

"Third, to the police. Don't try to trace this. You won't find me. Waste of resources. Plus, even if you did find me, I would just make you vanish. Not much point in sending men just to have them killed. You guys are just as corrupt as the heroes." I mutter, and then pull the back the slide on the Makarov, then release the slide, letting it slam forward as I look down at it. 

" the heroes. Both to those hunting me down, and those who think I'm but a kid trying to make a point. Actually, to pretty much all of you. You want to fight.........sure. Call me out. I'll find you, I'll fight, and kill you. I don't care. I'm sure I can find a reason. Found one fore Death Arms, I'm sure I can find one for you. I can, and will, break you." I say, lifting the gun in my hand, pressing it to the side of my head. 

"Finally, to Japan at large. If you keep letting the heroes rule over this country, it will go to shit. And while you may not watch it burn, your children, or even grandchildren will. So.....don't pull that trigger on yourselves." I say, pulling the trigger of the Makarov, and the trigger clicks quietly. Setting the gun down, I stare into the camera once again. 

"My name is Гнев. I will be the equalizer. I will be the humbler. I will be the trimmer. I will be the fire that burns through a dead forest. I will be the force Japan needs to be corrected. Remember the name. You'll be seeing it often." I say, then stand, and walk away, before the camera cuts. 

Pulling out my phone, I look at newsfeeds and social media. People are calling for my capture, for the avenging of Death Arms, for my death, asking why I haven't been caught yet. The news is all over this, including HNN. I see articles popping up about who I could be, why I am the way I am. Like I didn't already tell them. 

"So.....what do think they're gonna do? The heroes?" Julia asks, sidling up next to me. 

"I....don't know. I think they're gonna put a strong front, saying I'm a psycho, etc. But they know how weak they are, and they afraid. So.....we show them who I am." I say, smirking. 

AN: Yes, I know it's been a bit. School and a bit work have held me back. I will try to keep things running as per normal over the summer. 

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