Hero Killer: Part 2: Dead Men

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AN: Takes place day before Hosu incident. 

"FUCKING HELL! LET GO OF HIM!" I shout, pulling one kid with yellow hair off another black hair as he attempts to beat the shit outta him. 

"FUCK YOU, SASUKE!" The blond kid shouts as the black-haired one spits out blood

"Fuck you too, Naruto." The kid named Sasuke replies. 

"YOU WERE LIKE A BROTHER TO ME!" Naruto shouts, as I continue to pull him out of the shop

"AND YOU NEED TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I roar, and the entire cafe goes silent. I drag Naruto the rest of the out of the shop, and toss him onto the concrete. 

"Go home, cool the fuck off." I snarl, as he glares up at me, and gets to his feet, and in my face. 

"Fuck you!" He snarls, and I narrow my eyes. 

"Get out of my face before I rearrange yours." I snarl, and for a few seconds, we hold the stare, before he scoffs, and walks off. Shaking my head, I walk back inside, and check on the Sasuke kid, who's now nursing a black eye

"You good?" I ask

"I'm alive. He packs a punch." Sasuke says, and I sigh

"Alright, as long as you're good." I say, and return to the spot on my wall. 

"Ingenium, are the rumors true that you had an encounter with Stain recently?" A reporter on the TV catches my attention. I wonder, will he lie?

"I did. However, before he could do anything, Гнев attacked Stain, forcing him to flee, and chased him. I gave chase for a few minutes, but they both lost me." Ingenium says, and I raise an eyebrow. Interesting spin. 

"They lost you? How do two individuals without speed quirks run away from someone with one?" Another reporter asks

"My quirk is excellent for long, extended stretches, but both of the individuals were incredibly mobile and knew how to vanish. However, I am confident, that in time, we can catch and bring both of them to justice." Ingenium says, and another reporter speaks up

"Who would you, as a highly-ranked hero, place precedence on?" She asks, and Ingenium thinks about it

"Stain. Despite Гнев much higher death count, Stain is arguably more dangerous, since he has proven he has little to no killing heroes. It means that he wouldn't be opposed to killing anyone who gets in his way. Not to mention, he has shown the ability to fight off multiple heroes at the same time." Ingenium says, and I raise an eyebrow. I like to think I'm more dangerous, but to each their own, I suppose. 

I stop paying attention as a duo enter the door, setting the small bell off. I glance over, and see a hero enter. I tense, almost instantly, and my hands drift down to my belt, where I have my knife, but I pause as I look over the pair. 

A green-haired woman, with a orange bandana, a sleeveless navy shirt, yellow gauntlets, black boots, and orange and green striped pants. Smile Hero: Ms. Joke. I may not see her a perfect hero, considering the several accusations of robbery and threats, but she isn't bad, persay. Just a tiny bit troublesome. One thing you usually don't see is her mask, strapped over her face, which if I'm not wrong, helps neutralize her quirk. 

Her intern, however, is who intrigues me. The only identifying parts that make me even realize that there is another person is the pair of boots and gloves. One glove waves at me, getting me to raise an eyebrow. 

"Hello! I've heard from my intern here that this place has some good food!" Ms. Joke says, and I completely relax, as the invisible girl seems to glance at me, based on the slight movement of her hands. Reading body language is pretty damn hard when there isn't a body to read. 

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