Truth and Lies: Part 1: Who am I, really?

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"Jesus fucking Christ, Гнев, are you insane? Fighting Stain? Taking his fucking sword?" Ingenium growls, as he paces in front of me on a roof. It's been a week since I brought down Stain, and every news agency from Japan has wanted to know why I did. I haven't seen Ingenium since then, and clearly, he is pissed. 

"I mean, I'm a hero-killing vigilante who was nearly killed by a bully, and then lost his mother in villain incident, was rescued by a Russian, killed a pro and took down a sex-trafficking ring at the same time." I reply, and Ingenium sighs

"Besides the point! You could've been caught!" He snaps, and I shrug

"I risk that being out here with you. I risk that walking out in the world every day, Ingenium. I'm prepared to be caught. It's not gonna happen if I have any say in it, but I know it could happen." I reply, and he sighs. 

"Fair......but did you have to take the sword?" Ingenium asks, gesturing to the chipped sword on my back, and I shrug

"Trophies, Ingenium. If Heroes can have them, I can." I reply, tapping the hilt that rises over my shoulder. 

" really are a teenager.....but anyway, is there a reason you brought me here?" He asks, and I nod

"Yeah. Just to give you some news. I'm gonna be making a few broadcasts." I say, and Ingenium raises an eyebrow

"Broadcasts? Of what kind?" He asks, and I shrug

"Don't really know. I'm just gonna talk. Tell my story, if in pieces, and behind a mask." I reply, and he sighs

"How do you plan for literally anyone to see them?" He asks, and I smirk under my mask, and place a finger to where my lips would be on my face. 

"Trade Secret, Ingenium." I reply, and then stand up from where I was sitting on the roof we're on. 

"Leaving, huh? Well.....good luck I suppose." He says, and I nod, and take off. 

2 hours later. 

"We ready, Mishka?" I ask, and he nods

"Ready. Good Luck, Little Rabbit." He reponds, and I chuckle. 

"Luck is for the weak." I reply, and look at the setup in front of me through my mask. 

An old wooden table, lined with a few objects, including my Makarov, Stain's sword, a computer with a pre-cued audio file, and a small pen.  In front of the table, on a Tri-pod, manned by Julia. Behind her, a muted TV tuned to the HNN, or Hero News Network, the most popular news channel in Japan. 

"Mishka. Start 'er up." I say, and Mishka nods, then enters a command into a computer he has set up to my left, and Julia turns the camera on. After about 30 seconds, I see my face pull up on the HNN, probably to the mass confusion of anyone in Japan. 

"Hello. I assume many of you are wondering both who I am, and what the hell is going on. Well, I'm gonna answer the second question first. The HNN has been hijacked, and I am here for a singular reason. To tell both my story, and the truth behind some of the lies you have been force-fed." I begin, my voice disguised, really just deepening my voice and warping it a tiny bit to just be unrecognizable. 

"My name......well, I'm not gonna to tell you either my real name, or the alias I have chosen for myself. can call me Гнев. Or Wrath, if you prefer. But anyway, I assume many are now extremely angry. 'You killed Death Arms!' 'You're a murderer!' 'You're a Psycho!' Tell me something I don't know, why don't ya?" I snarl, slamming my hands on the table, making Julia jump a tiny bit. 

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