Chapter 11: The Last Child Of Torvi And Bjorn

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Torvi's Point Of View
I've been with child few times before but I had a feeling that this was going to be the last time that Bjorn and I have a child. I have a feeling that this child is a boy but I will not know till it is born and that's not that far away now.

Bjorn's away fighting in England because his father was killed so they are averaging him if I was not with child then I would of gone but seeing as I'm with child then I was staying here with our children and Lagertha.

I gave birth in the middle of the night, it was a full moon, it was the most painful birth that I've had and I had twins. He came into this world kicking and screaming he was definitely a Viking and son of Bjorn Ironside. His eyes were blue but bluer then Bjorn's he looked a lot like Ragnar did, so I made the choice to call him Ragnar The Younger.

Bjorn's Point Of View
I came back from averaging my father, to my children and wife along with my mother standing on the docks waiting for me to return. I hoped out of the ship and kneeled down so that I could hug my children, once I was done I got up with Asa and Siggy still in my arms, Asa was in my arms and Siggy sitting on my shoulders. I walked down the docks and to my wife who had a baby in her arms,

"What did you name our child?" I asked her while looking at the baby who looks a lot like my father.

"Ragnar after your father and because just look at him he looks like Ragnar." Torvi said while passing me Ragnar and taking Asa from me so I could look at my youngest child, my son Ragnar The Younger.

"He does look like my father, I think that it's the eyes. I love you." I told my baby boy and then I looked up at Torvi and kissed her telling her that I loved her to.

Years passed and my children where now all men and women Ragnar being the youngest and Guthrum being the eldest. Torvi and I where now King and Queen of Kattegat, Harlad would visit more often now wanting to be apart of his sisters lives, Halfdan moved to Kattegat with his wife and their children. All of my family was in Kattegat but Harald.

My children where amazing and I love them more then anything in this world and they are the only people that I would give everything up for because they are a part of my self and that will never change.

Theses are Mine and Torvi's Children...

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