Chapter 7: Wedding Time

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Bjorn's Point Of View
Today is the day that I can finally call Torvi mine and only mine I know that one day I will become king and Torvi will become queen but not just from marring me no Harald is going to give her his crown when he steps down which means that Torvi and myself will be the first ever king and queen of all of Norway. Last night I was sitting with a few older men and they where telling me that I should get a shadow queen and I just was like fuck that I'm in love with Torvi and she is giving us an heir to our throne.

So here I am standing in the middle of the forest with only family and close friends about to get married. I looked down over the small crowd of people to see my best friend or blood brother or my brother on the battlefield, Halfdan the Black. Who also just happens to be my future wife's twin brother it's just my luck to fall for my best friends twin sister. Next to him I see Helga and Floki watching each other with their daughter sitting in Floki's arms. My eyes went over to my family to see my mother and father with tears in their eyes but I bet if I asked them what was wrong they would say dust or something. I find Gyad looking at the flowers in her hands and the butterfly flying around. I watched as Ubbe walked over to the other side of the room to mingle I saw Hvitserk trying and failing to get a girls attention but I looked over to Sigurd to see him getting a few girls attention good for him. Then I hear the music start and find Harald and Torvi at the end of the lane, talking in hushed voices. Torvi walked up the lane and stopped right in front of me. The seer put blood on our faces and starting talking to the Gods asking for good health and protection for all future children that the happy couple have. Once I put Torvi's ring on her finger and feel mine sidle onto my finger I know that we are meant to be. A few seconds later I feel Torvi's lips on mine and I kissed her back hearing the crowd more so my father and uncle Rollo who came all the way from Paris to see me getting married with his new wife Gisla. I smiled at Torvi and say

"hello wife how are you"

"I'm just great Husband, thanks for asking." She says with a smile that could light up the whole world.

The villagers knew that Prince Bjorn and Princess Torvi where getting married today and that they will be having a feast which is open to the village and all food and ale will be fresh and free for the night and if your lucky you may even find some of the wine that Princess Gisla and Duke Rollo brought with them from Paris.

I've known for years that Ubbe has had a crush on Torvi but I have always been in love with her more or so over the past few months in Paris. But I think that now Torvi and myself are married that he will try to more on but if he ever try's something when I'm King I will kill him, I think as Torvi and I walked down to the great hall for the feast.

"Bjorn, come here for a minute we need to talk." My father says while Harald says something similar to Torvi.

"What do we need to talk about?" I asked.

"I think that in about a year that your mother and I will be giving up the throne to you and Harald is think the same thing and he has made his mind up about who his giving his throne to and it's Torvi so that means that you and Torvi will be the first King and Queen of all of Norway son." My father told me.

"That's great but I'm just going to put that on the back burner for today and focus on the fact that I just got married to the love of my life." I told him.

"Yer but I know that's what today is about but you need to know that I went to the seer many years ago and asked what would become of my sons. He told me that my son would marry a princess and travel further then I've ever gone and that you would be one of the most famous men and your fam will out shine myself." He told me looking sad, angry and proud all at the same time.

"Okay father but you know who is going to be my impression, it's gonna be you and mother." I told him trying to get him to see that even if I become more famous then him I wouldn't be here with out him today.

"Thank you my son now it's time to get you to the great hall to get you drunk and let all your brothers and sister tell tales and stories of you and Torvi's time on this earth." Now that's what I've been wanting to do for years now, well at least part of it.

I walked into the great hall and see that there's two chairs in the middle of my family's table are left empty for Torvi and I, a few seconds after I came in with my father Torvi and Harald walked in.

"Are you ready to have everyone tell their stories of us while being drunk well at least them, not us." I told her with our hands link. Walking up the few steps to get to the table and chairs. We sat down and all I could look at was the different types of foods and knowing that they where all made for Torvi and mine's wedding.

"Can you past me the chicken, Bjorn?" Tovri asked me so I looked around the table to see who had the chicken and of course it was next to Rollo who was giving the chicken heart eyes because they have him on some diet over in Paris there making him eat snails and frog legs, yuck.

"Uncle Rollo give us the chicken will you?" I asked him.

"What if I want the chicken" he asked which would of made me laugh if the chicken was for anyone else but it was for Torvi who is with child and wants chicken so that is what she shall be getting.

"It's not for me, it's for Torvi and you know she's the one who's eating for two not you but hey maybe you are with child from the way your eating tonight, what is Paris not feeding you right." I asked him.

"It's just I've missed eating the food that I grew up with not that Paris has bad food I just miss the chicken there not letting me eat chicken." He tells us all while Gisla is sitting there watching Torvi with eagle eyes. I'm just waiting for torvi to snap sure she is a really nice person unless you sit there and watch her it makes her think that your judging her.

"Fine I'll give you the chicken but only because Torvi is with child." He tells the whole table as he passed me the chicken that I put onto a plate full of vegetables and there's also a bit of fruit on it.

"Thank you Rollo I'll have to remember that you only give me food when I'm with child" Torvi told him while laughing at the end. I couldn't help but watch torvi in awe, because now that where married she is all mine forever ever in the after life.

Later into the night Floki was drunk and telling everyone that he wanted to make a speech at his Sister-in-law wedding so that's how he ended up on the table telling us all,

"I knew that Torvi and Bjorn where made for each other but I never told the other that I knew who they where talking about when they came to me telling me how in love they where with their best friends sibling. Wait I'm going to shut up now because King Harald looks like his going to kill me if I tell anymore of my story so who's next how about Halfdan."

I had to laugh at Floki because he was not wrong that is what we where both like but he never told me that he knew Torvi till we where in Paris.

Hours later it was finally time for bed so torvi and I walked back to our house and just when straight to sleep in each other's arms. I could feel my baby kicking up a storm lucky for him his mother is a deep sleeper.

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