Chapter 5: Raiding Time

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Lagertha Point Of View
It's finally time to go raiding after weeks of planing, training and looking in from the outer edge of the city Paris. As we took the ships out of the water and onto the cliff side knowing that going through a place where they can attack us from both sides over an opportunity where they can only get us from one side. So here we all are pulling our ships through a forest to save more time. It's been a month and about a week that we've been here and since the last time I saw my three baby boys I'm so happy that Siggy had said yes to watching them for me soon enough I'll be able to bring all of my children with Ragnar and myself to go raiding I'm already half way there. I stopped at the loud sound of a slap, looking over my shoulder I see Ubbe holding his cheek and with a yelling Torvi's at him. I looked at Ragnar and he nodded his head towards them so I walked back over to the two of them and a few people who have came over to see what's happening.

"Leave, all of you but not you two. Ubbe and Torvi come here and tell me what the fuck is going on" I say not liking the fact that I'm doing this instead of helping my husband, son, daughter and people but now I'm helping my son that always seems to find trouble or start it and Bjorn's lovely girlfriend that I hope will be his wife one day.

0Would you like to tell her or should I" Torvi asked him when he just kept looking at the trees she spoke up,

"he was telling all of his 'friends' that myself and him have been hooking up since the first night we got here. When never in my life have a hooked up with Ubbe not once nor have I through about it. You should be grateful that I'm so in love with your older brother that I didn't do more then slap you across the face" she finished saying.

"Ubbe did you say that or is this women that your older brother is more then likely going to be his queen one day" she says to more Ubbe then Torvi knowing that Torvi would not cause pain to someone unless they do something to her, her family and now our family too and all because she fell for her twin brother's best friend.

"Yes, I've been telling all the boys that mother but I don't get what's wrong with it because I'm going to have had sex with Torvi before I die and then she's going to fall hard or heels in love with me" he say.

"Ubbe that's not how it works you know, and don't try to take your brothers girl it won't end well for you, okay." I tell him god how did I get so lucky with my first two then I had him and it started going south till I had Ivar then other then him being a crippled but he is a good egg.

"Yes mum no more going after my big brothers girl, got it okay" he says and for some reason I don't believe him but we will have to deal with that back at Kattegat.

Bjorn's Point Of View
I watched from next to my father as my loving girlfriend slapped my younger brother across the face twice back and forth like one of them clocks from England, oh he is so going to be dead soon from the look that Torvi is giving him. For someone so small Torvi is quite scary with her looks and the yelling or even the worst of all the silent treatment.

"Oh, you why the fuck did my brother just get slapped across the face by princess Torvi?" I asked.

"Because he's been telling everyone that he's been fucking her since the first that we got night here." Oh he is so dead if Torvi doesn't kill him then I will for sure if not me then Harald or Halfdan will and they would make his death a long one not a short one.

"Your brother's mouth is going to be the death of him, you know that Bjorn" my father said to me sounding only a little bit worried.

"I know that, but out of all the people he could have chose it had to be her" I say hopefully sounding normal.

"Yer but he doesn't know about you and her" my father replied with.

"Yer I guess your right, is that mum going over to them" I asked knowing that if it is then Ubbe is going to die because if there is one thing she hates it's when men talk about women like their a piece of meat. Then everything stopped at the sound of my mother yelling.

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