The talk about Aaron

Start from the beginning

I felt like I was in a Hollywood movie because guess what was coming up. A waterfall. A FUCKING WATERFALL!
I was sucked under the water and then was thrown down.
I spun around while trying to surface. I felt like my lungs were going to explode, when suddenly something tugged me out. I gasped for air as I was pulled towards the shore.

When I finally felt land, I looked up to see the black wolf in front of me. I raised one eyebrow at it and it tilted its head to the side.
"What do those black eyes mean?" I asked it. The wolf didn't shift or answer, just flashed its eyes at me.
"It's what you are."  A voice sounded out from behind me.

I spun around quickly to see who spoke. It was the same guy from my dream.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
He just smirked and crouched down next to me.
"Aaron, don't you see, you are the dark wolf. Now, WAKE UP!" Suddenly he picked me up his eyes flashing gold.
"WAKE UP!" He yelled again this time punching me.
"Stop!" I weakly cried out just to be punched again.
"WAKE UP FROM WHAT!" I asked my nose bleeding.
"You want to defeat the alpha? Well you can't! NOT AS A HUNTER! NOT EVEN AS A BETA!
"What is a dark wolf! I've never heard of it!" I said scrambling back from him.
"That's because it's a myth! A legend! A wolf with black eyes means it's pure! The most loyal, the most self sacrificing, the most honorable! It keeps the darkness at bay! IT'S STRONGER THAN AN ALPHA! FASTER! SMARTER!

"YOU'RE LYING!" I cried out.

"Am I? Dark wolves are rare! Usually you have to be born of two alphas that haven't killed, and we both know how hard true alphas are to come by, one for every century maybe!? But you! You were bit!" The beta said.

"How is it possible?" I asked.
"Well let's see, you sacrificed for your friends, family and some jackass you hate. You fought on even when you were bleeding out! You have always had honour! You've always been the one to do what's needed to be done, you were born that way!"
"How do I control it?" I asked scared.
He smiled. "That's the best part, you've always been the dark wolf! You've always dreamed about that wolf since you were three!"

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?" I cried out.
The beta kneeled down by me.
"Cause I'm your conscious dumbass."
"I have a werewolf as a conscious? Wait how come I can see you?"
"Maybe it's the fact you are in a coma?"

Then I remembered everything. I needed to wake up, I needed to save my family. Scott and Derek needed my help with the alpha. I needed to defeat to help defeat the alpha.

"If I'm better than an alpha in every way, am I an alpha?" I asked.

My conscious smirked at me and lifted me up.
"Your only an alpha when your ready to be. And when your ready, trust me they will all follow you."

I took a breath
"I'm ready to wake me up now."
My conscious smiled.
"Hopefully I won't be seeing you anytime soon." He said, then punching me knocking me out.

(Time skip)

Scott's pov

"Mr Argent, can we please see Aaron." Stiles pleaded.
We have to check on him! The bite marks, the scratches, the everything!
"You two are very lucky, Allison is gone or I would have said no, you have 10 minutes." Mr Argent growled leaving us alone.

"That went better than I thought." Stiles remarked.
"So Derek said we need Aaro to stop the alpha right?"
"Yeah but I mean, Aaro is the best hunter we know and he almost got killed!" I exclaimed.
"There was so much blood." Stiles remarked.

"Come on, let's check on him." I ordered. We walked into the room next to Aaro's bed.
"Hey, can we not tell him I made out with Lydia?" I asked Stiles.
"That would probably be the best idea. Man remember Jackson's face when Aaron kissed her. Priceless!"
"Stiles, shut up!" I growled, hating myself for what the full moon made me do earlier

I slowly checked his shoulder to see how his chest was doing. And to my surprise, it was just a regular scar.
"Scott?" Stiles voice broke out, cracking a bit.
"What?" I asked, still eyeing the quickly healed wound.
"Didn't he get bit?" My head snapped towards his forearm and Stiles had removed the bandage from his arm to reveal smooth skin.
"What the hell?" I asked myself.

Suddenly Aaron shot up gasping for air. Stiles and I both fell backwards and looked at him in shock. His eyes were black. Glowing like my yellow except black. His eyes then returned back to normal. They then rolled back up into his head and he passed out.

 They then rolled back up into his head and he passed out

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(Like this)
"What the hell." Stiles asked.
"We have to tell Argent that Aaron just woke up!" I exclaimed
"Maybe his daughter not exactly boyfriend that he never liked, does it?" Stiles asked jumping up.

I knew his real reason for leaving though. Aaro had been bit and it turned him. But why did he have black eyes?

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