Magic bullet-part 2

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I ran over to Derek who's eyes were flashing blue.
"What are you doing! Stop that before someone sees!" I ordered
"I can't!" He breathed out.
"The bullet..." I mumbled.
"Derek, get up come on!" Scott said helping him up.
He helped him into Stiles' jeep and pulled I  Scott to the side.

"You're still studying with Allison right?" I asked. Scott nodded

"I need you to find a bullet. Don't ask why, just trust me. It should be in a wooden box with a symbol on it.

"Why can't you do it?" He asked. I sighed.

Allison told me to "not be around so I don't steal her boyfriend".

"And you're just going to go with it even with Derek in this condition?" He asked.

"Scott trust me," I pleaded. He nodded before walking off.

"Aaro!" A voice called from behind me.

I turned around to see the princess herself.
"Yeah?" I asked rather annoyed.
"I was thinking we could study at my house." She informed me.
"Uh huh, and what makes you think I could help?"
"You got 100% on the history test, and I thought you could help me."

I looked around seeing the frustrated kids wanting to go home.

"Fine, but I don't know where you live." I told her.
She smiled and walked to the other side of my car and got in. I hopped in and drove out of the school.
The ride was silent, except for Lydia giving me directions.
I pulled up to full brick house that was huge.

"This is the place?" I asked looking around the huge house.
"Yep." She replied popping the p. She got out of my truck and walked away.

"Jesus," I complained grabbing my bag and following her. A tiny dog came running towards her.
"Prada!" She exclaimed happily.

I smirked.
"Guess the cold-hearted girl has a soft spot huh?" I teased.
Her green eyes were analysing me as if she was trying to find a weakness.
She must of found one cause she smirked.
She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Oh I have a few." She informed me.

I tried to ignore the fact that her body was once again pressed up against mine. And I really wanted to kiss her again. Because her lips just looked so soft and kissable.

"Convince me the, I don't bite that easily." I told her.
She closed the space between us. Almost.

Our lips grazed over each other multiple times.
"Convinced?" She asked.
A smile came across her lips as our bodies somehow came closer together, then she kissed me.
The one kiss turned into a make out session and then my shirt came off and so did her dress.
I placed her on the bed. "What about Jackson?" I asked her
"He doesn't care about me." She said sadly.
"Lyd, this ain't gonna make you feel better."
She just kissed me.
"You care though right?"
"Yeah, Lydia I care."
"Then let's not talk about Jackson."

(Time skip)

"Well that just happened." I randomly said, as Lydia was tracing circles on my chest.
She rolled her eyes and climbed back onto my chest and kissing me.
She slid back and curled up into my side.
"Yeah, I guess it did." She said with a smile. "Is that a real smile?"
She eyed me. "Aaro, if going to tell me I've been fake smiling for the past ten minutes, then I'm gonna have to show you again." She said

(Time skip)

We were finally studying after a few hours. My shirt and belt were still downstairs and I was too lazy to get them. Which meant hours of doing homework with Lydia tracing circle on my chest.

"What's this?" She asked pointing to the scar on my back.
It was a light car of five little claw marks where a wolf dug into my back a few years ago. It was fading and it looked like five random white dots on my back.
"Don't know, it's something I've always had." I answered.
"It's neat."
"Well I hate them. I think they make look like a freak, they used to be red."
"From five little dots on your back?" She asked amused
"When you put it that way... was all of this so I didn't go home?" I asked.

She sighed and snuggled up against me. "At first I guess, I didn't plan on having a sex with you, but things change and sometimes for the better."
"Hey lyds, what will your parents think about my shirt and belt being downstairs?" I asked her.
"I don't know, but my dad will freak but he's across town," she told me, "Now tell me about the places you lived."

(Time skip)

"Did you get the bullet?" I asked running into Scott's workplace.
"I don't know, Scott isn't here yet." Stiles answered.
"We need to cut off my arm or I'll die! Derek said
"Oh what a lovely plan, NO!" I exclaimed.
"AARON!" Derek roared.

"Fine! Fine!" I said pulling my knife out.
I held my knife above his arm, "Oh this is a downer, I've had a great day so far!" I complained.

"What the HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Scott yelled
"Oh thank god!" I exclaimed.
"Did you get the bullet?" Stiles asked

Scott showed the bullet in his hands. I rushed over to him and snatched it. I ripped the bullet open pouring the wolfsbane ashes on the table.

"Lighter!?" I exclaimed.
"Here." Derek said weakly, pulling out a lighter.

I flicked it on and lit the ash.
I scooped it up into my hands.

"This'll hurts like a bitch!" I informed him.

I grabbed Derek's arm and jammed the ash into the wound.

"Ahhhg!!" He yelled jerking in pain, then he hit me, accidentally of course but, I flew across the room.

I saw pitch darkness before a figure made of light, stood out. I couldn't see him because he was glowing so bright.

"Aaro, dude, come on. How are you meant to lead if this keeps happening."

"What?" I asked.

"You gotta finds us dude, we need you."

"Who are you?"

He smiled and walked up to me, the glow surrounding him dimmed and I was able to see his face. He seemed my age but acted as if I were a couple years older than him.

"It's me dude." He said flashing his eyes gold with a trim of black round them. "You have to find us, we are lost inside the beast, it will rise and you must stop it. But first you must become more, you must evolve. Find your will brother. Be better than us.

The scene faded and my vision switched to Scott's boss, flashing a light in my eye.

"What the hell," I groaned.

"Your broke a lot of supplies sir." He told me.
"Sorry getting thrown across the room does that." I groaned sitting up.

"Thanks for helping me."

"Your welcome, Aaron. Now why don't we talk about your vision?"


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