Maybe I Should Start From The End

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"No, no you're not doing it right," Hope said laughing, as Stiles poured almost the whole container of powdered sugar onto the beignet.

"There's no such thing as too much sugar," Stiles told her while sprinkling a bit of sugar on her nose.

Hope giggled, swatting his hand away before dumping sugar on his head, Stiles also laughed shaking the powdered sugar out of his hair and Hope tried to back up to try and get out of the cloud of sugar, but Stiles grabbed her by the waist and both of them were laughing and their lips met in passionate kiss.

Stiles grabbed the back of Hope's legs and lifted her onto the counter and she pushed the beignets, that they were struggling to make, to the side and she tangled her hands in Stiles' hair.

They parted for a moment, and they looked at each other with their heated gazes. Almost like a reflex, Stiles' eyes flashed their new black and red form, and Hope's eyes turned yellow in response. Their lips met again and Stiles pushed his tongue into her mouth and she moaned as she started to lean back against the counter.

Someone cleared their throat, and both of them separated immediately.

Both of them looked to the door to see Malia at the door holding an empty baby bottle in her hand.

"Did I interrupt something?" Malia asked.

Hope gritted her teeth, but remained silent.

"Maybe," Stiles said in a disturbingly high pitched voice.

"Sorry, Evelyn was just hungry," Malia said, ignoring the mess of powdered sugar both covering the floor and the two tribrids.

"Who has her now?" Stiles asked.

"You dad," Malia said, and Stiles winced,"Or not dad. Whatever Alaric is."

After Malia left, Hope let out a frustrated sigh.

"You okay?" Stiles asked, intertwining their hands.

"You know I totally support Malia being here," Hope said.

"But?" Stiles said, asking her to continue.

"But it's just really hard," Hope said, squeezing Stiles' hand tightly,"And I adore Evelyn, I really do. It's just that with Malia being here, I feel like I become one of those really possessive girlfriends," Hope told him looking down.

"Hey, it's okay," Stiles said,"I would feel the same way. But I don't think she's going to be going anywhere, and you might actually be friends if you tried."

Hope nodded,"Come on, I'm tired," Hope said, guiding Stiles back to her room.

It was rare, almost never happened, but this time when they both went to sleep it was Stiles that was the big spoon that night.

Time Skip

There was banging on the door, Stiles groaned as he sat up, he remained quiet so he couldn't disturb Hope while she still slept.

"Yes?" Stiles said, opening the door to reveal Alaric.

Things have been quite awkward between the two, they never really talked about the whole father son thing. He's talked to Lizzie and Josie and they were cool with it, great actually. Stiles has never had siblings before but with Lizzie and Josie it seemed to come naturally for him.

He connected with Lizzie easily because they both had similar situations growing up, Stiles being the hyperactive spaz with ADHD, and Lizzie the bipolar witch, prone to fits of rage.

Josie was also easy to connect with because like her he always helped Scott with pretty much all of his problems from being an Alpha werewolf to girl troubles. Josie helped Lizzie through similar things.

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