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Light peaked through the windows as both Hope and Stiles stirred from their peaceful sleep, Hope's arms still around him.

"Hope?" Stiles said eyes widening in surprise, as he turned to look at the girl in surprise,"What are you doing?"

Hope blushed unwrapping her arms from Stiles and backing away from him sitting up,"You were making the house shake.  I came in to try and wake you but you didn't."

"Uh... Why exactly did that make you spoon me?" Stiles asked sitting up.

"I used my magic to calm you down," Hope said looking down at her lap,"And it did involve putting my arms around you, then I fell asleep."

Someone suddenly knocked on the door, and both Tribrids scrambled around.  Hope jumped off the bed and muttered,"Invisique," Making her disappear from view.  While Stiles stumbled to the door putting on a shirt.

When Stiles opened the door Landon stormed in looking around.

"Sure, Landon.  You can come in," Stiles said, sarcastically.

"Where is she?" Landon asked angrily, looking under Stiles' bed in the closet.

"Where's who?" Stiles asked, nervously while glancing where an invisible Hope stood off to the side of the room.

"Hope, I saw her run in here last night after the house shook," Landon said.

"Well that's not creepy at all," Stiles said,"And yes she came in here to see if I was okay," Stiles lied,"That's kinda what friends do."

"What kind of friends are you?  The ones that bang each other each chance they get?" Landon snarled.

"What no!" Stiles said,"The kind that used to take bubble baths together when we were five.  Plus who Hope is with is none of your business."

"Of course it's my business I'm her boyfriend," Landon said confidently,"And I don't want her to be around your demonic ass."

Hope still behind her invisible barrier vision turned red, almost as red as Stiles' eyes.

Stiles turned his palms toward Landon and stomped on the ground making Landon fly up against the wall and stay there hovering in place like hands held him aloft.

"You don't know shit Landon," Stiles growled his black eyes starting to show,"What I am doesn't concern you."

Landon was now pale with fear, as he struggled against his bonds.

"And just because you and Hope kissed once doesn't make you soulmates for life," Stiles said,"And if you know what's good for you, I'd stop treating Hope like a possession, she is her own woman that makes her own decisions."

Hope then made herself visible and stood at Stiles' side,"And who I sleep with is none of your  business either."

Landon looked at Hope in disbelief.  Then with the flick of Stiles' wrist, Landon was sent flying into the hall.

Time Skip

"This is the third night in a row, Stiles," Hope said as he panted splashing cold water on his face.

"I'm fine," Stiles said shaking his head

"Your not," Hope objected,"How long has it been since you slept a whole night?"

Stiles thought for a moment, it had been a long time since he had actually slept a whole night, the closest he had come to it was the night three days previously with Hope.

"What month is it?" Stiles asked.

Hope's jaw dropped,"This is not the time to be sarcastic."

"I'm not," Stiles said honestly, while grabbing a towel dry off his face,"It's been over ten months since I last slept the whole night without nightmares."

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