Silent streets and screaming sirens

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Darkness, fast feet, and heavy breath, Louis was running - not entirely sure where he was going - all he knew was that he had to find Harry.

Come on think, where is he staying? Harry likes pretty things, but the thing with Harry is he finds the unusual things beautiful , the stripped back little is more sort of thing (like a single flower instead of bouquet). He found perplexed beauty more interesting. He wouldn't stay some where modern, somewhere so extravagant and "showy" as he says, he likes breakfast on a morning but not a full  banquet just a quaint coffee and pastry, potentially some fruit. He likes to know it was hand made with love. He likes meaning full things. Harry is extremely sentimental.

The beach wood cafe.

That's where Louis headed, running without looking back. He and Harry spent many of times at that cafe; they were never spotted there due to it being small and unheard of by many. They went lots times that they even became friends with the family that ran the business, it's a shame Louis hasn't seen them in a while since he doesn't risk going back just incase he bumped into Harry. Harry didn't seem to have that worry in fact he would sit most mornings outside that caffe just watching and maybe hoping to see Louis.

"Is that Louis Tomlinson?"

"Maybe he's of to Harry,"

"But the hospital isn't that way,"

Stoping abruptly, Louis feet dug into the ground as he pulled closer to group of girls, probably fans. "What did you just say?"

She didn't reply just shoved her phone in Louis face. How rude trying to take a picture of me, now is not the time! But as Louis was about to walk off he saw that it wasn't his reflection on the phone it was a news article. He took the phone in his hand and at the word Harry styles and hospital he began to run with the it still in his hand.

"Sorry love," he shouted whilst trying to run as well as reading the article.

Harry styles in hospital after another wild night out!

Harry hasn't had a wild night out in a long time and when he does he can handle himself. He wasn't in the mood to party he said so himself. I need to get to that hospital because this is definitely not a wild night out.


3 hours earlier

Harry and Niall returned back to Harry's place, it was a quaint place with an old Italian vibes and best of yet it was a 2 minute walk away from Harry's favourite cafe.

"Why do you keep all your awards locked away," Niall asked as he opened the cabinets and kind of stared  at the awards. It was amazing really that he could achieve so many in such a short amount of time.

"Cause there not mine,"

"Um I'm pretty sure they are mate, they do say Harry styles on them," Niall giggled as he ran his fingers of the trophies almost sort of stroking the new newest addition - Hlarrys Grammy.

"Technically they are mine, but many songs on my first album I wrote when I was in one direction for one direction inspired by a certain member," Harry said calmly whilst twisting the cap of his bottle of water.

"Then why didn't you release them when you were in the band?"

"I wasn't ready, didn't want to give up all my emotions become defenceless and everyone know everything because when your defenceless your weak and vulnerable. However, when I left I guess I didn't have anything left to loose you know?"

"Sorry haz," Harry didn't reply just offered a bottle to Niall, "so since they were for one direction does that mean these awards are kind of ours as-well because I want some of these trophies, this one precisely." Niall laughed trying to lift the mood whilst pointing at the biggest award.

Harry didn't chuckle in return, he just walked up to stand directly next to Niall, "No," he shut the cabinet doors with a harsh bang, "there Simons, always have been and always will be,"

"Harry this is your work you should be proud of this, this is all your talent,"

"But I didn't want it, I was forced to do  this, I don't want be rewarded for my pain." Tears grew in Harry eyes but he held them back as he heard his phone buzz. He pulled it out of his suit pocket and unlocked it.

Niall jumped at the sudden burst of tears, "what is it? What's wrong?"

"There fucking engaged, Niall" he flipped his phone for Niall to see whilst letting go a heavy breath.

"Is he really serious, oh my fucking god when I see him,"

"Niall," Harry interrupted "will you go talk to him please,"

"One I don't want to see his face for a long time, two I don't want to leave you alone, three I don't know my way back to the hotel." He rapidly paced up and down.

"Please Ni, I'll call you a taxi and I won't do anything I'll be waiting here for when you get back."

"I don't know,"

"Please, just tell him that that I wish Him a life time of happiness for him and his fiancé and that I never want to talking to him again. He had his chance and he ruined it."

"I don't know why you're being so nice, if I was you I would punch him, you know what I'll do it for you if you'd like?"

"Niall, don't!" He's not sure why he didn't want hurt Louis. "I'm not sure why exactly but I can't do that to him so just be nice because you need to tre-"

Niall quickly cut Harry off " yeah, yeah treat people with kindness and all that shit. I'll do it but I'm coming straight back here," Niall gave Harry a loving hug then propped his foot up on Harry's knee so he would tie his shoelaces before he left.

"Have you seriously not learned?"

"I can do it myself, but these purple pants are a bit restrictive so I can't bend down plus you tie my shoes better than I do," Harry rolled his eyes at Niall's excuses. He really hasn't changed a bit.

"Right now hurry up, taxi is waiting," another hug, then they both walked to the door.

"Promise you'll be right here when I get back, promise you won't hurt yourself, promise you will just sit and read or watch a film?" Niall walked out the door towards the taxi content and full belief in Harry.

Niall spoke to Louis, he fucking hated it, hated him and now he found himself on his way back to the Harry's house ready to relax and join in on the film Harry is watching, probably some Disney film or even the notebook.

The car ride was over much quicker than expected, after all it was only a ten minute drive but the streets were oddly silent tonight. Still a-bit drunk, he wobbled out of the taxi and made his way to the heavy oak door.

He knocked. No answer.

Knocked again. No answer.

He picked up his phone. Dialled a number.

He waited.

The silent streets were soon overpowered by screaming sirens.

It then dawned on him, he never actually heard Harry say promise.


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