♡Yandere!ghidorah x male!fox kaiju!reader♡

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Warning:Death,blood,gore and stalking


No one's pov

You were walking peacefully with anguirus as you
And him chatted happily,it was a nice day for a walk with
My friend anguirus as we talked about stuff,and then
When anguirus asked me about my crush aka ghidorah
I blushed a dark red,he also then asked if i confessed yet
And i said no.he facepalmed "dude,you need to confess soon
Or else you..know.." "yeah,yeah i know..its just,what if he
Rejects me?" "I mean,that will BE the basic answer knowing
Him but who knows?that guy's a mystery!" "Uh huh,he sure

I said with my cheeks tinted pink and anguirus teased while
Nudging my shoulder and i playfully told him to stop but we
Didn't noticed a familiar kaiju just behind the large trees,
Ghidorah smiled as he ueard you and anguirus talked about
Him and this just boasts his chances with you,also maybe
Killing anguirus is a waste of time so..he'll spare him,for

Ichi,smirked as he remembers your cute blushing face and oh,
How does he wants to just kiss you right here and now,but he
Needs to get rid every single one that dares to harm you.and
Lucky for him the other heads thought the same thing.

You and anguirus waved goodbye to each other,you went back
To your home as you walked passed the large trees but..
Your gut tells you something felt quite uneasy and to be honest..
You agreed,you felt eyes stare at you.six eyes in fact.you
Turn you head to see if someone was stalking you but found
Nothing..how..strange.yiu shook your head and continued
Walking but alot faster now.

When you finally reach your cave,a twig was snapped and that
Was it!you charged at one of the trees and this causes on one
Of the trees to fall down and turn to dust,you looked around
Glaring and growling but yet..noone is there..you felt the
Same uneasy feeling come back and this causes you to feel
Incredibly angery since,is someone playing tricks on you?!
Well if they are,it isn't funny!

"Show yourself!right this instance!" You shouted,demanding
The stranger to come out of there hiding spot.yet..noone came
Out,you sighed and ignore it but if something weird happen
Again you are packing your shit!anyways you finally get
Some rest in your cave but the thing is that,ghidorah was
Flapping his wings as he saw the little destruction you
Just caused which made him a little proud.

He sensed that you'll attack him so he flew up in the air.
After that,your little destruction really make a turn on ghidorah,
The next day was..a bit weird since you noticed that the
Golden hydra often acts quite weird but to you only,like when
One time you were just talking to mothra and caught one of
The heads staring at you,he even actually stuttered!but again
Only to you..

You were a bit weirded but at the same time,you think it was
Quite cute.right now you were walking at the same woods as
Before but you sniff something..it smell..metalic,and something
Decaying which is gross!you followed the smell and saw
The corpse of jet..his arms were ripped apart and his neck was
Brutally broken like someone had purposelly done it and
More over his bones was showing which make you gag and
Make you feel you wanna vomit.

You saw a puddle of blood dripping from his head and body,
This scenery gives you the chills,you immdiately went to
Godzilla to report this and to say the least he was shock.like
You are,he didn't know who did this it had nothing but
A message you didn't quite notice and it reads:

'My loving mate...see you soon'

Who ever was the one to write this was sick.literally sick.
After the meeting and discussion on who killed jet you went
To a cliff,jet wasn't really one of your friends but one of
The fun guys to hang out with,and it kinda upset you when
He died..he was a good man.he didn't deserve this..you
Softly sighed and you hear footsteps that alarmed you and
You turn you're head to attack but saw ghidorah...oh.

He waved while smiling and you blushed and waved back,he
Headed towards you and you looked away feeling your cheeks
Burning up as he sat beside you and stared at the sun..oh
My god,he is sitting beside you!oh and you never thought
You're face couldnt get redder ever since he sat beside you.
He then turn his head to face you "soo...don't you think the sun
Is quite beautiful,don't you think?" "Mmm..!" You nodded
As he lean towards you and you felt the redness of your face
Couldn't get any worse,well it just did

He sighed and locked eyes with you,if you look closely they hold
Nothing but...love.you kinda blink when you locked eyes with
Him but the thing that suprises you the most was his sudden

"And..this may be a little sudden but uum..i love you (y/n).
I always had,you can take my heart,soul and body,anything~
Just to be yours..~"

His words melted your heart,and you take him off guard when
You embrace him "me too!i love you too ghidorah,with all my
Soul~!" You snuggle at his chest and this causes to make
Ghidorah blush like a madman,he returns the hug but an evil
Grin was drawn to his face and so does the other heads...

Finally,you were finally his..and his only.the only thing
Missing is...

You're freedom...this was only the beggining,because next
Time.he'll may or may not drawn you to a never ending

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