Chapter II | Running Away

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''It's possible that the poison was in the bath salts. It's hard for me to realize which kind it was, but it seems that it got under Duchess's skin and straight in her blood.'' The doctor said. ''WHAT? Thank goodness that Lady Aurelia grabbed my hand before I put it in the water!'' Said the younger maid as the other one face-palmed her forehead. ''Did she? Did you perhaps have known that the water was dangerous?'' Asked Markus. ''Mother's death couldn't be natural. And since she didn't have any scars on her, I realized that it must have been from the water.'' She confirmed. ''And you want us to believe that you, had the same conclusion with a doctor?''

''This is the truth, Sir.''

''Our Lady has always been smart...''

''Lady Aurelia is a kindhearted person! She would never do something as cruel as to commit murder!!!'' The silly young maid and Rosa took her side, while Markus tried to convince him otherwise, ''But if someone strong enough wanted Duchess's death, they could use physical methods.''

''Or, it could be that someone would want to trap a weaker person. Isn't this right?'' Asked Aurelia with a calm smile. ''Are you blaming Sir Markus for this murder?'' The policeman was getting angry. ''Oh my! I would never accuse my brother of such a thing. You were the one who made that hypothesis Sir.''

''That's enough of backtalk. Filthy women like you are ending up at the guillotine. Sir Markus, you mentioned something about a testament earlier.''

''I did. Would you like to see it yourself?''

The bobby agreed and they headed downstairs to the Duke's office.

Aurelia started getting furious at the injustice she was put into. And since the policeman seemed to believe Markus's idiotic accuse, if they found a testament, the court would most likely believe her stepbrother since he was born a noble, unlike this filthy woman who was originally a commoner's daughter. She had gone through similar situations in the past. This time she might actually end up at the guillotine.


Downstairs, there was Valentina waiting, as the other servant was pouring fresh tea in her empty teacup. ''Sir Markus!! What happened?''

''Not now Valentina, please wait here.''

They were in a rush. Aurelia made eye contact with Valentina who had a worried expression. It didn't seem honest to her though, too hypocritical. As she was walking in the mouth of the wolf, Aurelia turned her head to make eye contact with her future sister-in-law one more time. Valentina had a victorious smile on her face.

''I see how it is. I'm not even surprised''. That's what Aurelia mumbled to herself as she was trying to find a way to get out of this trap.

But it was too late. The policeman found Duchess Antall's testament. Aurelia was cursing her bad luck. If her mother had given it to the family's lawyer from the start, nothing would have happened. But Mrs. Antall never trusted anyone; came out she wasn't wrong for not doing so. ''I knew it!'' The policeman was victorious as if he had found a treasure. He then tightly grabbed Aurelia's wrist and was forcing her outside the mansion. The girl panicked and in her attempt to escape, she bit his hand as hard as she could. The policeman screamed in pain and started chasing the girl that was now running outside the mansion. Markus tried to block her, but she pushed him harshly on the wall before he could catch her. She was now running outside as fast as she could. She climbed the locked gate and disappeared through the woods, to make sure that they won't come after her.


It's midnight. The forest isn't unknown to her, she knows how to get back, but if she gets back to the town it's possible that she will get caught. She has to leave for somewhere else. But how? Once again she didn't have anything left... no... it's even worse now. Because now, she doesn't even have her mother. Aurelia exhausted sat under an oak tree and burst into tears. Anger is flaming inside her. No, she can't leave. She can't let this go. This bastard poisoned her mother to get rid of her and keep his nobility ''clean'' when he is actually the filthiest of them all. Markus and Valentina shall be begging for her mercy and that's settled.

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