We ran down the hallway, the alpha on our asses.
"The basement come on!" I yelled, sprinting towards the stairs. We barged through the door into the basement, taking sharp turns in order to lose it.

We came to a halt, by the boiler room, catching our breath. "We can't lose it." Scott exclaimed.

I looked at the door and noticed a table by it. I could trap it in that room. No matter how hard he pushed the desk would just hit the cabinet on the other side.
I looked at my friends "Run." They looked at me confused and tried to pull me back as I walked forward.

"Aaro!" Scott whispered. I looked at him and took a deep breath.
"Meet me at the lobby! Now. Go!" I exclaimed grabbing my pistol from my belt.
"Ok, please don't die!" Stiles exclaimed as he and Scott took off.

I heard the alpha running around the basement trying to find us.
"HEY ASSHOLE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.
"ASSHOLE! LUNATIC! CRAZY BITCH!" I yelled  at the top of my voice.
I pounded on the cabinet and shot up in to the air.
"COME AND GET ME!" I stood in front of the door ready to leap out of the way.
I saw the alpha coming across the corner. It barged towards me, it's claws scraping the tiles underneath. It came closer, the. I jumped out of the way.
The alpha, not being able to stop, slid into the boiler room. I kicked the door shut and grabbed the table, sliding it in front of the door.

I smiled in satisfaction as the alpha tried to get out.

Suddenly a noise came from the room and the ceiling started to cave a little.
"Me and my big mouth." I groaned sprinting away and towards the lobby.

I barged through the doors that led to the lobby with my pistol in hand. I saw Allison, Jackson, Lydia along with Stiles and Scott. Wait, Allison! No she can't be here.

"What the hell are you three doing here!?" I exclaimed.
"Why do you have a gun?" Jackson asked his eyes narrowing at me.
"Uh let's see, somebody is trying to kill us!" I shouted
"Really? I mean yes, I can see why but they are trying to kill the kids that broke into the school?" Jackson asked.
"Shut the hell up jackass, Jesus do you have to be such a dick all the time? Even after I saved your sorry ass!" I asked

I turned towards Allison.
"And you, what are you doing here? I asked glaring at her.
"Because Scott asked me to." She told me.
"What? No, I don't even have my phone!" Scott exclaimed.
"Why am I beginning to think you didn't send this message?" Allie asked Scott.
"Because I didn't!" Scott told us.

The alphas words rang through my head.

"Siblings should die together."

"It doesn't matter! Let's just go!" Lydia shouted.
The rest of us nodded and started to walk towards the exit, when the ceiling started to cave in.
"Oh, that's just fantastic!" I exclaimed grabbing my sister and running down the hall. I pushed her in front of me as I heard the huge crash in the other rooms.
"Get to the cafeteria go!" I yelled at her. I hurled them inside.
"Close the door." I ordered. I wasn't going to the die. Let my sister die. I was going to kill the alpha, or die trying.

"What! Aaro no! Lydia exclaimed grabbing my arm.
She had a death grip and I heard the alpha coming closer.
"Lydia, you have to let me go!" I told her. She was crying.

"Aaron, COME ON!" Allie screamed. "Scott hold her back." I ordered
I looked to Lydia and whispered in her ear. "If I don't make it back, I want you to find someone who actually gives a damn about you." I told her then kissed her.

The kiss caused her too loosen her grip. I slipped out of her grasp and lightly pushed her through the door.
Allison tried to run or me as Stiles and Jackson closed the door but Scott held her back.

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