An American Thanksgiving for BTS

Start from the beginning

"We all figured as much and agree with you on that," Taehyung said.

"Shit I need to get ready for lunch with my mom and her boyfriend soon. I should probably let you guys go." Lyssah said glancing at her watch.

"Okay, angel. Have fun and be careful." Jeongguk said.

"Yeah. Have fun, princess." Taehyung added.

"You guys get a good night's sleep tonight. Don't stay up too late." Lyssah said.

They both nodded their heads. She smiled at them and blew them both kisses like she always did at the end of their video calls.

"Noona..." Jeongguk said softly.

"Yes, bun?" Lyssah asked, already knowing what he was going to say because it was how they always ended their calls.

"I love you," Jeongguk said.

"I love you too, bun. And I love you, my TaeBear." She said.

"I love you too, princess. Talk to you soon." Taehyung replied.

Once she put her phone down, Lyssah got up to shower and get ready for lunch. She texted Alex to make sure that he and his siblings were also ready to go before she went through the door connecting their rooms. She helped Audrey with her hair and then they all left, taking a taxi to the restaurant she was meeting her mother at.

After lunch, they walked around a bit and went on a couple of tours before going back to the hotel. Lyssah took a nap before dinner which they had decided was going to be at a local Korean BBQ place they had found online. She wanted to check it out before taking the boys there once they arrived in New Orleans. The food there ended up being even better than the place they went to in Chicago. She definitely wanted to come back once BTS were there to join her.

She was soaking in the tub when Taehyung and Jeongguk texted her as they were riding to the airport. She texted them back until they got there then told them goodnight since she was going to sleep. She got out of the tub and climbed into bed, turning on VLive since the news outlets would have videos of them departing. She watched and then went to bed. It would be a while before they arrived in the U.S. And once they did they would be tired and jet-lagged so she knew they would need to rest before she could talk to them although they had promised to text her once they landed.

14-ish hours later...

The boys did text her as promised once they landed in L.A. She told them to get some rest and that they could call her later. She spent the day relaxing as well. Alex had suggested ordering room service and staying in for the day since they had been out all of the previous day. The other kids agreed so that's what they did.

The next few days were spent watching and listening to BTS' interviews and appearances, talking to her lovers on the phone every night before bed. She also spent time with her mother, touring the city with her kids, and buying souvenirs for Charity and her kids. She was happy to see that the people interviewing BTS did as they were told and didn't ask about her and the twins in the slightest. When she did talk to the boys they did say that they were asked a few questions off-camera but that they refused to answer them.

The day of the AMA's came quickly. Lyssah didn't get to talk to her lovers that day since they were busy with last-minute practice, getting dressed, getting their hair and make-up done, and going over everything for the day. She did however text them and tell them she loved them and that she would be watching them on TV.

Lyssah and her kids sat together in her room, eating dinner while watching the red carpet interviews and waiting for the show to start. They watched how every time the camera was on them ARMY would scream. They watched as the boys accepted their award. And they watched the boys' performance. Once it was over, Lyssah texted them saying how proud she was and how great they did. They thanked her, told her they loved her and said goodnight since as far as they knew they had to get up early to catch a flight back to Korea. Which Lyssah knew was actually a flight to join her in New Orleans. Lyssah went to bed with a smile on her face knowing her lovers would be joining her around midday the next day.

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