The reason I'm here

Start from the beginning

Becky: "I appreciate that Jonathan but I'm afraid not"

Jonathan: "Well why not? I mean we are perfect for each other. Why won't you give us a chance?"

That's Eric's queue to step in and get this guy moving. He walks up and walks around the table

Eric: "Hey man, you are holding up the line, let's move it along" putting his hand on the guys shoulder

Jonathan: "No no she just doesn't know what she is saying do you Becky? You want to get a coffee with me and go out on a date with me and...."

Before he finishes his statement, he tries to make a lunge at Becky, but with Eric's arm firmly on his shoulder and him outweighing Jonathan by about 100 lbs of muscle he is able to hold him back easily and put him on the ground as he yells for security

Eric: "Didn't your mother teach you that no means no?" He says to him with his knee in his back holding his hands back waiting on mall security to come and handcuff him to turn him over to the police.

They finally come and as they take him away he is yelling at the both of them as he is carried out

Jonathan: "You will regret this, she will be mine whether the both of you like it or not. You will see"

Eric turns back to Becky to make sure she is okay

Eric: "Are you alright? He didn't touch you or anything did he?"

Becky: "No I'm fine and no he didn't. But you were great back there. Thank you"

Eric: *dusting his shirt off* "I think i got nerd juice on me" he says and she covers her mouth not to laugh as he goes back to his spot to finish the signing

*Later in the day*

Everything else today went off without a hitch. The radio interview was a huge success, the commercial, a spot for cricket wireless or something Eric wasn't paying attention, and the last signing of the day all went perfect.

It's getting dark now and Eric walks Becky out of the store where the signing was and to the SUV so he can take her home. Little do they know that there is a car waiting at the end of the alley to follow them.

Eric makes it to Becky's house and he walks her to her front door

Becky: "Thank you again for dealing with that guy today i hate situations like that and it happens more than you think"

Eric: "Hey don't sweat it, that's the reason I'm here" he says as they say their good nights and she closes the door behind her.

Eric walks back to the car and pulls out of her driveway and heads back to his house as well to take a shower and get in some comfortable clothes

Meanwhile Becky finishes her shower and puts on an oversized shirt and a pair of sweats as she goes into the kitchen to try and find something to snack on before bed. While she is in the kitchen she hears her front door knob rattling a little bit, almost as if someone is trying to get in. She cautiously goes toward the front door and goes to the window and she sees someone in all black with a black ski mask on trying to get into her front door.

She instantly runs in the bedroom and gets her phone and calls Eric before she can even think. Eric having just got out of the shower sees the call log and picks up the phone

Eric: "What? Miss me already?"

Becky: "Eric! Someone is trying to get into my house!" She says in a loud whisper and she peaks down the hall and sees the lock turning "Holy shit he is picking the lock what do i do?"

*DISCONTINUED* The Man's Bodyguard (Becky Lynch X OC)Where stories live. Discover now