part six

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Authors Note: I've split up the final milestone of 20,000 words into 2,000-word parts + an epilogue. I hope y'all enjoy it. 

"Do his parents know?"

"His mother saw the scars once. She gave me something to cover it up, telling me about the home remedies that could calm the swelling. I could tell where Dion got the behavior from. I used to resist, but I've realized that if I just sleep with him, it's enough to shut him up."

"I- I am so sorry you have to go through that, my love. If I'd known, I would've fought harder. He seemed like such a good man-"

"That's what I thought. At first, sure- he was sweet and kind, but it could never make up for the amount of rage. I think the scariest thing is the fact that he could beat me to a pulp, and I'd still go running back."

"Now, you don't have to. I'm always here for you. I'm glad you told me," Cleo whispered through tears, wrapping her arms around Bette's hips.

The tears did a fair job of masking the rage boiling in Cleo's eyes. Her fingers balled into a fist, her eyes wanderlust for a punching bag. She couldn't stomach Bette getting hurt, and began pacing around the floor once more. Cupping Bette's face between her hands, she slowly pressed their temples together.

Cleo could feel the warmth of Bette's face in her hands, her eyes puffed up from all of the crying. Without thinking, Bette drew their lips together, her hands joining the dimples of Cleo's cheek.


"I'm saying, I would've liked a little bit of an advance! You don't understand how difficult that month was for me, and I don't think I could do it again!" She yelled, continuing to do a shabby job of folding my laundry.

"I sorry love, but if you want me to ever come back, I have to get this done!" I retorted, running my fingers through my hair.

She still wasn't understanding. Her mouth was gaping, trying to find another thing to scream about. I tried to buttress my frail arguments with something about my parents, but she didn't seem to listen.

Though she was unrelenting, I walked over to her and hugged her from the back.

"I know you're pissed off, and for good reason too. But, if I don't go, I will have to go back to France forever. What would you rather have- one month or a lifetime?" I asked, rocking her back and forth.

I could feel the muscles in her shoulders relax, her body becoming less stiff. Her face softened, partly because of my lips trailing down the side of her neck. I managed to whisper a few more sorry's and held her until she simmered down.

"You'll have to mail me again. I love you Bette, and I promise that I'll be back. Don't beat yourself over it."

"Fine, but only because you have a valid argument. Not because your neck kisses are my weakness and you're very clearly playing to it," she retorted a few moments later, turning back around.

Reducing the gap between us, she pulled me into her, crashing our lips together.


Though she hadn't felt it in a while, Bette drowned underneath the feeling of Cleo's lips against hers. She'd kissed Dion for so many years, but forgot how it was to do it lovingly.

The way that Cleo would lick the heart of Bette's lips before kissing her, Gin always present. It'd drive her insane, simply feeling the way Cleo's lips could move past hers.

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