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After the very uncomfortable conversation with Rio and Jefferson, Aaron decided on calling Miles.

"Oh hey Uncle Aaron-"

"Listen here you lil shit, how do I fake a divorce." He screamed into his phone clearly annoyed that he had to pretend to be in love with Peter.

"O-oh- I don't know..."

"What do you mean you don't know?! I have to pretend to be gay for that man-" Miles cuts off his Uncle before he can finish, "Why did you phrase it like that? Are you bi?"

Aaron immediately regretted saying that and had to quickly jump back into the closet. He couldn't since he practically rammed it down to call out some BS.

"Of course I'm not gay! I only like women-" Aaron was now visibly sweating, "It's ok Uncle Aaron, I support you! Now I have to go study for my upcoming internship."

And with that Miles hung up.

"He knows..."

"Why were you pretending to be straight?"

"AH!" As Zumi yelled to get Ian and David's attention, them four were in the Senior dorms. Ian and David were having a verbal argument which would have turned physical if Zumi hadn't stepped in.

"Why did you yell?!" Ian cried.
"My fuckin ears! Goddamn Zumi-" David spoke in his British accent.

Miles was left with sitting back and watching as the scene unfolded before his eyes. David yanked Zumi's hair to which she backhanded him.

Ian made fun of the two students fighting by yelling random things over their bickering, "I'm pregnant! Pregnant- I am an underaged alcoholic. I do drugs! I have weed! I am moving to Russia and marrying a rich white man and have him killed and run away with my secret girlfriend with all the money in the world!"

Miles just looked back and forth at his three seniors.

He just wanted to leave!
Aaron was blocking out Peter's reassuring.

"I'm not gay!" Aaron yelled only for Peter to hush him, "It's ok, Babe. Coming out of the closet is hard-I should know as a disaster bi."

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