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     School was long and tiring,
"Write this equation and solve it in 3 seconds cause I'm going to assign a giant stack of homework and then we are going to speed through an entire textbook and I will pretend to care about you but I don't care. Hope you fail cause you will." And all that jazz.

     When did you all learn the pythagorean theorem? I never did that's for sure, I somehow got into this school by putting random things on the entrance exam.

     The bell rings and somehow everyone packs their things and leaves in unison while I'm over here stuffing pages and pages of homework and notes into my binder to head over to my easiest class, Science, after going to my locker.

     While walking into the hallway I nearly tripped as my vision is blocked by all my math books and binders just to swap those out for more books and binders at my locker.

     The small space was way too small to hold all my things but luckily it's not like I don't live in the dorms nearby. I have to call my parents about money for another uniform since I keep on growing taller and my pants were small and way too tight for me to even walk straight.

     Science was the last class I had for the day so I could head to my dorm to go on Patrol and luckily make it back in time for curfew, too early in my case. Doc Oc could Rob a bank and I would have 5 minutes until curfew and then I have to give a half-@ssed apology which I very much can't do- I passed my class... It was back there.

     Come on legs! What about muscle memory? Haven't I walked to class enough times for you to memorize the route?

     I can't believe how big of an idiot I am. I walk into the classroom and take my seat when the bell rang making me jump and drop a textbook. No one turns, no one looks, no one helps, I thought smart kids were supposed to be nice. Oh come on I would have helped you guys, now this is awkward.

     I'm just looking at the ground right at my fallen notebook in misery. Picking it up and taking a seat the teacher has us all take out a pencil since we were going to take a pop quiz. I was this close to groaning but that would make me the only person since everyone complied and sucked it up.

Talk about maturity.

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