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Everyone then ran up to the board and started to take photos of all the school names and times, Horizon High.

Our main rival school.

I actually wanted to go there, but sadly, not able to.

Leaving the school, the entire school were now trying to go to libraries and other classrooms. With this whole skipping class rule in check, this allowed kids to attend classes that they didn't take or wanted to rememorize the material. The upperclassmen were taking our classes this week, we are taking the upperclassmen classes to get ahead.

Me and the five in my class, a dozen in my grade, and about 5 dozen kids in the other 3 grades combined, were now getting heat for getting internships.  The 5 dozen upperclassmen were rounding us all up to try and keep us out of the heat of things and to use us to relearn the material that they forgot and think they need for the internships that they finally were able to get after their failed attempts.

"Okay everyone! You are all lucky to be here. I am Ian Mono. I am a senior so respect is great and I hope we can all be friends." A few seniors split up in groups to host small study circles for us all, it is break time so when classes start we plan on going in groups to classes. Luckily most Senior classes have been reserved by the popular upperclassmen for the study groups so my fellow under classmen (who didn't get internships) had to settle for sophmore and junior classes which were hard for their small brains and now they are happy that they couldn't take the senior classes.

"I am David Rune, a Sophmore. I don't want to be here so when can I leave?" David was a caucasian male with the top half of his hair is in a manbun while the bottom half has been shaved off for a Sokka esque look.

"Woah there buddy, at least stay to get your D's and F's up." A girl with a pink afro like hair said, "Zumi Asumo, nice to meet y'all. I'm a Sophomore as well." Them three looked at me from the corners of their eyes,

"I- I'm Miles. Miles Morales, I'm a freshman." Zumi and David both snarled when I brought up that I was a freshman and Ian's smile faltered, they regretted everything about me.

"Babe! Calm down, there has got to be a—"

"Don't. Call. Me. Babe." Aaron yelled while throwing pillows inbetween his short pauses, he then picked up his lamp on his side table in his apartment.

"Okay fine," Peter raised his hands in surrender, "I don't like this one bit as well, I literally just got over my wife leaving me and now I just got back together with her. I need to go back now, if your brother asks just say I'm visiting my aunt and uncle or something." He then ended going back through a weird portal thing that all the Spider-Men/Woman have learned to use to switch between multiverse to multiverse.

"Finally some peace and quiet—" The little pop from Peter leaving was the only sound except for Aaron's footsteps towards his room until he heard a knock, "Who is it?"

He grabbed a bat just in case his crime with kingpin had caught up with him.

"Aaron! It's just me," the feminine voice said from behind the door, he recognized her immediately, setting his bat down he opened the door.

"Sup, Rio," He took a deep breath slightly panicking and rehearsing Peter's excuse in his head, "What brings you here?"

"Oh nothing, didn't expect you to be home. Hope we didn't come at a bad time—"

"We?" Jefferson stepped around to make his appearance while the smile Aaron didn't think he had then faltered and went into a 'Our father who art in heaven please kill me now' face, "Oh yeah... Come on in. Peter isn't here, he went to go visit his aunt and uncle for the week."

"Peter seems like a nice young man." Rio said with a smile as she slapped Jefferson in the shoulder before he muttered nice a couple times like he was still trying to understand the situation.

"Oh he sure is," Aaron tried his best to smile like he did when he thought it was only Rio on the other side of the door but what came out were sarcasm laced words, "Maybe we should have a nice dinner together, you, me, Jefferson, Miles, and Peter."

Aaron had to force himself to mention Peter without seeming suspicious.

Rio slapped Jefferson again, "That would be a good idea," Jefferson said almost immediately, "when can we go?" He tried to say as quietly as possible but Aaron caught it and his smile soon fell to a weaker one that looked like he was going to murder someone. The vein bulging out of his head was not helping. As Rio silently scolded him while trying to carry a conversation that seemed more one sided, all Aaron could do was hope Peter wouldn't blip bloop back and Miles will regret the day he was born.

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