t w e n t y - t h r e e

Start from the beginning

Leo only makes a sound of apology, licking her nose, his sleepy form falling to slumber. Nova kisses him once more, before leaving him be, filling a bowl with some water and food for when he woke, and lugging some toys nearby if he got bored.

"I don't know why this is amusing you so much," Nova scowls at the blonde as they walk through the town centre, her brows furrowed angrily, tugging her rucksack closer to her.

"I don't know why you're so worried about it," Kelsey rolls her eyes. Nova had spent the last twenty minutes telling her about Leo's antics.

A sound of disbelief falls from her mouth.

"You don't know why I'm so worried? I'm his mother," the last word is said passionately, causing the blonde to erupt in laughter, clutching her stomach.

"Baby, he's fine isn't he? Just a little procedure and some stiches," she tells her.

Nova opens her mouth, going into a rant about how sick and worried she was, and how she couldn't cope if something truly terrible had happened, and how she was never letting him out of the house again.

"-I'm putting a curfew on him," and Kelsey just laughs with another shake of her head.

"Don't do that. He's a budding teenager. A male in his prime. He needs his independence. He was just horny, and now he's neutered. Shit happens. Let him be," Nova just grumbles.

They finally reach the café they were heading for, dibbing the booth near the window bane, blessed with rays of sunshine.

Nova settles herself, pulling out her laptop and her sketchbooks, glasses on and ready to set into her work. She'd postponed some and cancelled some of the propositions she'd gotten, but now felt a bit better getting into the swing of things.

The blonde makes herself comfortable, pulling out her laptop to watch a movie, the two of them ordering a light snack.

They're there for a few hours, the blonde eventually getting bored. Nova encourages her to leave, telling her she'd be right where she was left, and that she would text her every half hour. The blonde begrudgingly leaves, only because she would only be across the street in a boutique that had caught her eye.

Nova's mindset feels stable, and she's quite productive, even making some business phone calls to the current project she was walking on. Her phone pings, and her eyes narrow when Sonya's name comes up in the notifications with an attachment.

Her office had finally been completely renovated, and she notified the interior designer with several images. The place looks exactly how both her and Nova envisioned it, every single detail being executed perfectly.

Nova's face curves into a smile, pink full lips tipping up and eyes bright as she scrolls through her phone.

"Thinking of me?" a soft gasp drops from her lips with the startlement, an instant flush to her face when the husk of his voice graces her ears.

Her eyes find his, his expression warm and eyes bright. Her heart flutters, eyes openly staring with no shame.

It'd been several days since they were at the parlour, which in the time period he had left to go home for a short time, before returning. They hadn't texted loads, not like before, but he kept her updated on his whereabouts and so did she.

Before he had left, he had stayed with Nova once more, through another desperate plea. Her features hue pink, remembering his lips on her forehead before falling asleep.

There was some distance purposely placed between them, an initiative taken by her. But it wasn't like last time.

Nova did want him around, and she admitted she liked it. He did make her feel better, but she didn't want her healing process to be dependant on him. This was her journey and she had to learn to deal with and live with it on her own, both the highs and the lows. She wanted to control the narrative on how she bypassed this, and it was a personal thing.

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